Yes! I still had it.

He was currently at Goldman?

?s Bar and Grill, huh? Well, I suddenly felt a craving for a pint of beer and chili cheese fries. Maybe I should just stop by on my way home. Catch up with an old friend. Commit a little homicide.

“Mama,” I sang to myself as I re-pocketed my phone and jogged back to my car. “Just killed a man. Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he’s dead…”

Freddy Mercury, man. I suddenly appreciated his “Bohemian Rhapsody” lyrics like I never had before.

“Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango?” I kept singing as I slid behind the wheel and started the engine with a vengeance. “Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening me. Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Figaro.”

To say the least, by the time I made it to the bar and grill, I was pumped and ready to face this motherfucker.

Some game was playing on all the screens when I entered the pub, and almost everyone present seemed invested in watching it. Half the room cheered while the other half groaned and clutched their heads over some play as soon as I stepped inside. I started forward, glancing around, only to come up short and pause to let some tiny waitress dart past me, carrying a huge tray with three pitchers of beer on it.

Once she was gone, I blew out a breath and continued my search. And there he was, in the far corner with a group of familiar faces, half I remembered hanging around him when he and Bella had been a thing. They had come across as pretentious, narrow-minded assholes to me, so I’d never willingly spent much time with them. But I started toward them now.

Ethan had his back to me and had just approached a high round table with two pilsners in hand. When he gave one to a woman waiting there, I snorted and shook my head.

“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you,” I advised her dryly.

She’d been lifting it to her mouth, but paused and widened her eyes at me while Ethan spun around and blinked before giving me an edgy, confused smile.

“Gracen,” he said, all friendly and nice with a face that swore he’d never drugged any woman. Filthy liar. “Hi. What’re you—”

“Is it true?” I asked, stepping right up into his personal space.

“Whoa, hey.” He lurched back and lifted his hands to block himself before giving me a nervous laugh. “Is what true?” Then he glanced toward his friends with that superior mocking look as if to say, Can you believe this guy?

I just watched his expression as I said, “Do you roofie women and then sleep with them? Even the ones you date?”

The woman still holding the pilsner he’d given her quickly set it down and nudged it across the table away from her.

Ethan spun back to me, smirk dying. “Say what?” He took a moment to digest the accusation before he lifted his hands again, holding them apart this time as a politician would right before delivering some bullshit promise to his constituents. “Look. I don’t know what Bella told you, but—”

“Bella?” I blinked at him as if stunned he’d mention her name. “Bella didn’t tell me shit. Why? Did you feed her drugs too? On those nights she told you no, she wasn’t in the mood, but you just couldn’t handle that? Did you fucking rape my sister?” I stepped toward him, my jaw tensing. “And Yellow Nicksen too?”

His eyes flared at Yellow’s name. But of course, he spat, “What? No! Fuck no. This is ridiculous. Get out of my face, man. Yellow can’t keep her legs together, and your sister can’t hold her liquor to save her life. But hey.” He held up his palms in a surrendering gesture. “If you wanna believe a lying whore and some lousy drunk, be my guest.”

Oh, that was it.

The rage that blanketed me was scorching hot. I could actually feel it burn a path from my hairline and drain down my face to my collar. My hand fisted at my side as I tried to pick out the perfect spot on his face to punch. Should I go for the most painful place? Or somewhere that would disfigure him the longest? Damn, both options were too tempting to just choose one.

That’s it; I’d just have to hit him twice. At least.

But just as I started to lift my arm, a hand gripped it firmly, stopping me.


I looked up, coming face to face with Fox.

Damn. They must have used my own location-sharing trick against me.

“This isn’t what the girls want,” he told me steadily.

I flashed my teeth at him, ready to tell him how people rarely got what they wanted. Because I sure as hell hadn’t wanted to wake up this morning and learn that two very important women in my life had been assaulted by the same damn man. I’d wanted to wake up wrapped around my beautiful blonde with the pink and blue highlights and spend the rest of the afternoon in bed with her.

I hadn’t wanted to nurse my sister through the aftereffects of something she hadn’t even known had happened to her either.