Reaching out, he took his hat from my hand. He glanced down at it for a moment, then he ran his thumb over the frayed bill before he looked up at me and blindly tossed his hat onto the coffee table behind him.

“It’ll be better than fine,” he swore.

And my panties became soaking wet.

His nostrils flared as if he could smell the pungent moisture, and his gaze went heavy-lidded.

God, I think he could make a girl come just by looking at her.

“So here’s what’s going to happen,” he said, gently taking my hand. “I’m going to walk you to your bedroom, strip all your clothes off you, and fuck you for the rest of the night. And then, in the morning…” His eyebrows lifted meaningfully. “You’re not going to regret a single thing we did together.” Squeezing my fingers, he asked, “You good with that?”

Holy Shit.

“Yes,” I answered, pretty sure I was already halfway through my first orgasm. “I’m good with that.”

Fox nodded. “Perfect. Then follow me.”

And I did.

Chapter Two



I arrived early to get the best spot in the theater: second to last row, aisle seat so I could sit as close to the center of the room as I could get. Hell yeah. And the place wasn’t filling up that fast either, which meant I’d probably have the whole row to myself with plenty of room to spread out, put my drink in the holder on one side and my popcorn in the holder on the other.

If the night went well and no one sat in front of me, maybe I could even kick my feet up on that seat and really relax.

This was the life, man, I’m telling you.

Now if only I had a bit of company to enjoy it with.

Artfully arranging the boxes of candy I’d just purchased across my chest, I dug my phone from my pocket and clicked off a grinning selfie before sending it to Bella.

GRACEN: You sure you don’t want to join me? I got the works -- popcorn, cherry slushy, AirHeads, Reese’s Pieces, Red Hots, AND Junior Mints.

If the appeal of spending time with her favorite twin didn’t win her over, then maybe my Junior Mints might.

But the aggravating woman wasn’t swayed.

BELLA: Not tonight, bubs. Just wanna stay in.

Stay in? On a Friday night after the stressful week at work I knew she’d had, meeting a big deadline?

Who the hell was I talking to?

I called bullshit. I could spot her lies as soon as she spewed them, even via a text. I had shared a womb with her, for God’s sake, and then spent my entire life as her other half, being her first choice in confidants since we’d learned secrets were a thing. I knew Bella. And she was lying right now.

Honestly, she’d been hiding something from me a lot lately.

I hadn’t figured out what the big mystery was yet. But I wasn’t too worried either. She’d open up eventually. She always did. We never kept anything from each other for long.

Tonight, however, secrets or no secrets, I really needed her company. I hated going to the movies by myself. It always made me feel—what was that awful, pathetic word I loathed using?

