“That is an awful idea,” she swore. “You’re not thinking clearly. You just need to calm down and—”

“I’m doing this for you too,” Fox snapped at her with an irritated scowl.

But she only rolled her eyes. “Bullshit. Because I don’t want it. You’re just going to get yourself in trouble and probably thrown in jail, and that would upset me more than anything. So, no, don’t you dare claim you’d be doing anything for me. Or Isabella.”

Fox flinched at that and finally glanced my way. He was so tormented and upset, I stepped toward him, unable to stay away.

“Fox?” I lifted my hand uncertainly. “You’re scaring me. What’s going on?”

He choked out a sob and caught my hand, holding my fingers tight as tears flooded his cheeks. “I’m sorry.” His voice broke as he stepped toward me, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my hair. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea it was you. All this time, I—Christ. This can’t be happening.”

When he couldn’t go on, I stroked his back gently. “It’s okay,” I assured him. I might not have a clue what was happening, but I was positive he’d never been unfaithful to me. Not with Yellow. Not with anyone. Whatever was afflicting him now had nothing to do with any of that. “But what is happening?” I asked softly. “I don’t understand.”

He shuddered and sniffed, then pulled back so he could wipe the back of his hand across his nose as he met my gaze. But instead of answering me, he shifted his attention to Yellow.

“I can’t keep this from her. Not from either of them. Bella and Gray are my—they’re—I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

Yellow’s face paled and her features went gaunt with fear, but then she nodded and whispered, “Okay. Okay, I’ll tell them, then.”

Fox released a relieved breath, and then he pretty much just wilted against me. “Thank you,” he said. “Because I don’t think keeping it from her helped her like you hoped it would, anyway.”

Yellow nodded sadly, and then looked up at Gray. My eyes narrowed over the look that passed between them. Then he took her hand, and the bottom dropped out of my stomach.

“Is there anywhere we could all go to talk?” she asked him.

Gracen nodded immediately. “We can go to Bella’s. We all know where she lives.”

“Okay, alright.” Yellow drew in a deep, bolstering breath as if gaining confidence and courage from my brother’s stare alone. “Yeah, I remember where she lives. That will be fine.”

“We’ll all meet there, then,” Gracen decided. “In ten minutes.” And he finally glanced my way as if asking for my permission now after he’d already spoken for me to host some kind of big reveal party.

Well, screw him.

“No.” I backed away and shook my head with savage force. “I’m not interested in hearing whatever lies that woman wants to feed us.”

“Bella,” Gracen scolded in disappointment.

But I wasn’t very happy with him right now, either. “Don’t even talk to me, you asshole.” Then, because I just couldn’t help myself, I growled, “You slept with her, didn’t you? You had sex with Yellow Nicksen?”

Fox’s grip on me tightened. “Bells,” he said softly, trying to get me to calm down.

But tearing pain splintered through me as I realized my own twin had deceived me. Not in a million years would I have expected that kind of bombshell. It made my entire system shudder in horror and this screaming howl of agony to resound between my ears. I sobbed out a dry heave.

Gracen sighed and shook his head sadly. “That is a whole different conversation for another time. So how about we just deal with whatever this is that’s happening right here, and handle the me-and-her topic later? Alright?”

“It’s a simple yes-or-no answer, brother,” I told him. “Did you or did you not sleep with the woman who cheated with my—”

“I like her, okay,” he ground out, stepping toward me with a hard stare, and not even bothering to look the slightest bit guilty about how horribly he was crushing my soul right now. The asshole. “And I don’t think she cheated with Ethan. So I want to hear what she has to—”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I cried, choking out an incredulous sound. “You yourself saw her with your own eyes coming out of his apartment with her fucking bra in her hand. I saw her naked in bed with him.”

“Which is why I really want to hear what she has to say about it,” he insisted.

“No,” I countered with a degrading sniff. “You just want to buy into whatever lies she feeds us so you can keep screwing her with some kind of clear conscience.”

“Bells,” Fox said again, touching my elbow gently and making me flinch.

It hurt to look at him right now. He was so wrecked and upset. I just wanted to carry him away to somewhere private and lick his wounds better while I forgot about the fact that my brother—my best friend since birth—had betrayed me.