Ethan obviously had. Why wouldn’t Fox too?

What if Fox really wanted to be with Yellow but he couldn’t figure out how to break things off with me first without hurting me because that would seriously hurt me. And he could never hurt anyone.

Oh God. What if I had become the clingy, unable-to-let-go Angie he’d dated before me, and I was just putting him through the same misery she had?

I turned toward my twin, needing his support, but he merely furrowed his brow at Fox and Yellow, seeming confused as he clutched his injured wrist to his chest. So I returned my attention to them as well.

Yellow’s brown eyes were wide with worry as she watched Fox.

“But that would mean…” Not finishing the thought, he let his arms fall slack around me as he slowly backed away from all of us.

I turned to find horror filling his features.

“No,” he rasped, meeting my gaze and gripping his hat. Then, most perplexing of all, tears clogged his eyes. He shook his head, gasping for breath, and adamantly snarled, “No.”

“Parker,” Yellow whispered sympathetically as she stepped toward him.

But I held up a hand, warding her away. “Don’t you fucking go near him.”

She jerked herself up short, even as she cast me a begging glance. “But he needs help.”

“Help with what?” I cried. “What did you do to him?”

“I—I didn’t—” Shaking her head, she declined to answer and merely darted past me so she could grasp Fox’s arm. “Parker. Look at me. Breathe. Okay? Just breathe.”

“I can’t…” His face was a bright tomato red, and his tears were beginning to spill over and run down his cheeks.

I stepped toward him, wanting to help, too. But when he looked up, it was Yellow he sought for comfort, and I stopped, swallowing hard.

“I can’t—” He repeated, shaking his head and staring her straight in the eyes. “I can’t believe this. No. Not my Bells. She—she doesn’t even know. She has no idea.”

Know? Know what?

I whirled toward my brother. “What is happening right now?”

Gracen looked as alarmed and confused as I felt. “I don’t—” He shook his head and approached us slowly, reaching out to grip my arm in comfort as he watched Fox with the other woman. “Yellow?” he asked softly.

She glanced at him, appearing panicked.

Fox took that moment to tear himself away from her and storm toward the parking lot.

“No!” she cried, leaping after him. “Gracen, help me.”

My twin startled the hell out of me when he obeyed without question, hurrying after both of them just as Yellow caught up with Fox and dodged in front of him so she could place both hands on his chest and ask, “What’re you doing? Where are you going?”

He didn’t answer, just tried to move around her. “Get out of my way.”

“No.” She dodged into his path again, grabbing hold of his shirt. He growled and tried to march the other way around her. A brief struggle ensued until she yelled, “Stop!”

He did, glaring and snarling, “No. He’s not getting away with this. I’m going to kill the motherfucker.”

“Whoa, hey!” This time, it was Gracen who stepped into his path and stopped him with a hand to Fox’s chest. “Just wh

o are we killing and why?”

Fox blinked at him before hissing, “Yes!” Reaching out, he gripped Gray by the front of the shirt. “We can take him down together. It’ll be so worth it. Come on, man. Come with me.”

“Er…” Gracen could only blink as Yellow shook her head madly.