I paused, worried I’d really hurt him. But when he looked up, I saw he was going to be fine, and I took off again, leaving him there to take care of himself. I leaped onto the curb and dashed toward Fox and the cheating slut. They hadn’t gotten that far from the entrance yet.

“Hey!” I yelled, storming forward.

Glancing over, both Fox and Yellow slowed to a stop when they saw me.

“Bella?” Fox said in surprise, stepping toward me, then. “What’re you—”

“You,” I hissed, ignoring him and focusing solely on her.

I’d deal with apologizing to Fox later for my spying. For now, the intrusive, boyfriend-stealing bitch must die.

Eyes widening in fear, she dropped her athletic bag off her shoulder and lurched a fearful step in reverse. “Isabella?”

Oh yeah. She better be afraid. She better be very afraid.

“You’re not getting away with it this time,” I promised, shaking my head slowly before I struck, rushing at her, prepared to attack with every ounce of rage I had inside me.

But an arm snagged me around the waist, yanking me up short, a mere foot from shredding Yellow’s skin off her perfect face.

I screamed in fury and struggled against Fox’s hold so much so that he had to secure both arms around me to keep me in place.

“Jesus Christ,” he rasped in my hair. “What the hell, Bells?”

“How dare you?” I roared, glaring at Yellow. “How dare you? I don’t know why you hate me so much that you keep doing this, but it ends now. You can’t have him; do you hear me? It was bad enough when you stole Ethan. But, no. Not him too. You can’t take him.”

“Ethan?” Fox repeated in surprise, the arm around me jerking tighter. “What does Ethan have to do with any of this?”

Meanwhile, Yellow had turned toward Gracen who was still doubled over slightly as he breathlessly limped toward us, cradling his forearm against his abdomen as he did.

Tears glinted in her eyes as she blinked at him as if he’d betrayed her. “I thought you were going to warn me before you told her about us,” she said, her voice hoarse with pain.

“I…” Gray faltered as I whirled to frown at him, and he met my gaze. His worried eyes were stark with apology. Then he returned his attention to Yellow and shook his head slowly. “I didn’t tell her.”

What in the hell?

Tell me what?

Why was nothing making any sense right now?

I zipped a glare toward Yellow because if anything rang true, it was that she was the bad guy here.

“Why the fuck are you looking at Gracen?” I demanded, even though a place deep inside of me already knew the answer and was just denying it because I couldn’t accept that possibility right now. Not after seeing her leave a building with my boyfriend.

“I was talking about Fox,” I spat.

“Fox?” she said in confusion, head shaking slowly as if she had no idea who that was. But then her eyes lifted to the man behind me, who was still holding me back, away from her. And she pointed at him. “You mean Parker?”

“Yes,” I snapped. “Parker. Fox Parker. My boyfriend. You could steal Ethan from me a million times over, but you are not taking Fox.”

“But, I—Oh my God!” Gaping in dread, she lifted her gaze to just over my shoulder once more and shook her head adamantly. “Isabella Lowe is your Bea?” she asked him.

“Yes,” he told her, only to add, “So wait. Then Gracen is your…Twelve?”

Twelve? What the fuck was that supposed to stand for? It did nasty, jealous things to my insides to hear these two talk in their own special language to each other. Just how close were they? Pain twisted in my gut and choked the breath from my lungs. A sob tore from my throat.

Gray had been right; she definitely seemed to be just his client, but what if—what if—

I mean, they seemed so close and friendly. He wouldn’t have to be a cheater to like her more than he liked me and enjoy her company enough to wish she was his.