Just open the car door, Bella. And slide on out.

Open the door.

Open the damn door!

I started the engine, and my heart skipped a beat, knowing that was the absolute wrong thing to do.

But one little peek wouldn’t kill anyone. He’d never even know I was there. I’d get my curiosity appeased, my paranoia would die a quick, painless death, and the man I loved would never be the wiser that I had one minor, insignificant problem with believing him about some pretty blonde. And, boom, problem solved.

Even as I backed my car from the driveway, though, the other side of my psyche screamed, What are you doing? You idiot! Go back. Go back home!

My conscience said that all the way to the gym too. The very gym I knew Fox liked to frequent. After doing a quick pass through the parking lot and spotting his truck, I pulled into an inconspicuous spot not far from the front door in the opposite direction of where he’d parked.

He would have no reason to even look this way when he came out. And I’d get a good clear shot of her. Then I’d know once and for all that our relationship was safe.

I’d just gotten good and comfortable in stakeout mode, and my eyes were beginning to burn from how intently I was watching the exit of the building when a tap on my driver’s side window made me yelp in surprise and nearly jump out of my skin.

Slapping a hand over my heart to keep it inside my chest, I glanced over, only to find Gracen glaring at me, eyebrows raised and stern expression set coldly.

I sighed and rolled the window down. “How did you—”

He lifted his phone. “You should’ve stopped sharing your location with me if you didn’t want me to know where you were, and besides, the only time you have ever called me to be your conscience and talk you out of doing something stupid was after you’d already done it. Now turn your car on, go home, and forget you ever attempted this.”


“Nothing good can come from jealous-spying on your boyfriend, Isabella. I cannot believe that your self-esteem has bottomed out so low that you can’t even trust Fox—Fox of all people. My God. Did getting cheated on by Ethan fuck you up that bad?”

“Yes!” I snarled. “It did. And Fox would understand that I need—”

“Fox would be crushed if he knew you were out here, unable to summon even an iota of faith in him.”

My chin trembled and eyes watered. “But I have to see it with my own eyes, Gray, please. I can’t—Someday I’ll be able to deal with this better. But not yet. Not today. Were you not listening when Dad described her? He called her some beautiful, flawless blonde with the prettiest smile. My God, it feels like Yellow Nicksen all over again.”

Gracen flinched at that name, and I gave a humorless laugh. “And Fox outright admitted that she was pretty and probably his favorite client. El’s special,” I added, lowering my voice and trying to imitate what he’d said last night. “She’s a total sweetheart.”

Sniffing, I shook my head and focused on my brother. “Can you believe he actually said that to me?”

“El?” Gray repeated on a slight frown.

“I don’t know.” I rolled my eyes and waved a distracted hand. “That’s what he called her.”

“El…” he murmured again, speaking to himself this time.

Gaze lifting to the sports complex, Gracen pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows as he did whenever he was concentrating. Then he dropped his gaze to his phone and did something.

“What’re you...?” Squinting, I lifted myself higher in order to see better. But all it looked like he was doing was checking his recent calls list.

“He didn’t call me this morning,” he said to himself, sounding stunned. “Son of a bitch, he didn’t—” He returned his attention to the gym as his eyes widened with some kind of realization. “Holy shit.”

“What?” I turned to look but didn’t see anyone exiting the building.

“Dad never met her, did he?” he murmured, still speaking to himself.

“Met who?” I demanded.

But Gracen was still ignoring me as he answered his own question. “No. Why would he have? I didn’t even meet her until—Jesus.” Turning to me suddenly, he reached in through the window and grasped my arm abruptly, making me jump.

“Listen to me, Bella,” he told me, his voice as serious as I’d ever heard it. “I need you to go. Right now.”