“That’s fine. Completely. But are you…” I paused uncertainly, then just asked, “Are you going to tell her? About us?”

He paused too, his eyes growing big. “Today? While she’s having an S.O.S. crisis?” Then he winced and said, “Did you want me to?”

“No,” I rushed to reply. “I mean, yes, someday. I’m sure both of us hate the idea of keeping this from her, but…”

It was so new. And nice. Who knew how Bella would react? Or what she would do to try to split us apart?

“I don’t think I can tell her today,” Gracen admitted.

I nodded in relief. Thank God. “Just warn me before you do, okay? Or did you want me to be with you when you did?”

“Nah, I should probably tell her on my own. But I’ll definitely let you know beforehand.”

Sounds good. But I really need to go now.”

“Me too,” he said.

We came together for a final kiss, grinning at each other goofily when we pulled apart.

“See you later,” he said.

“See you,” I whispered, then turned away to hurry from the house.

Parker was already in our reserved room in the basketball court, shooting baskets when I rushed in, panting and lugging my bag over my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry I’m late,” I announced, slopping the bag down and hurrying his way.

He shrugged, fine with it. Then grinned and said, “As long as he was worth it,” repeating the very words back to me that I’d said to him a few short months ago after the night I first watched a movie with Gracen.

Realizing how far Gracen and I had moved along since then, I blushed a bright tomato red.

Parker paused, frowning at my face. Then his mouth fell open, and he dropped the ball he’d been holding between both hands. “Shut the front door,” he said, striding forward. “Tell me you did not have sex last night.”

I opened my mouth but no words came out.

“Holy shit,” he exploded, gripping his head and gaping at me. “Did you really? Oh my God, El! This is huge. This is incredible. This is, like—I don’t even know. Can we call you cured now? Holy shit. I’m so happy for you.”

When I grinned, taking on some of his enthusiasm, he grabbed both my hands and squeezed, shaking them as he did. “Congratulations. Was it—I mean, hell. I don’t know how to ask this. But it was okay, right? You didn’t have any issues? No triggers? No fears?”

“It was…” I paused just to soak in all the memories. Then I sighed and smiled at him. “Perfect. It was absolutely perfect.”

“Holy shit, wow,” he breathed, pulling me in for a hug. “That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you. Damn, sorry.” He let go of me and stepped back, cringing. “I forgot, you’re not a hugger.”

“No, it’s okay,” I told him. “I think I’m getting over that hiccup too. You hugged me last week, anyway, and I had no problems.”

“That’s right.” He pointed at me. “Which reminds me. Bea’s dad of all people saw you and me hugging last week when he was driving by the gym or something, and he asked me about you. In front of her. Then the whole family joined in, insinuating that you were my girlfriend.”

“Oh no.” Eyes growing big, I covered my mouth. “Did Bea think you and I were—”

He winced. “I’m not really sure. She didn’t take it too well, though. I mean, we talked it out, and she says she believes me, but…” He shook his head and blew out a breath. “That expression on her face when she first heard her dad describe you…” He sighed. “It broke my damn heart. I absolutely hate making her even have to question whether I can be trusted or not.”

“I’m so sorry, Parker. I wish I could help. Like talk to her for you and explain that there’s nothing at all to worry about from me.”

He tipped his head, studying me curiously. I could see his brain whirring before he lifted a finger. “Actually, that’s not a bad idea. Would you mind meeting her?”

I sat up straighter, brightening. “Really? No, I wouldn’t mind at all. I’d love to, actually. I’ve always wondered what she was like.”