And now, I just wanted to sleep for a full day.

But the damn phone...

Next to me, Gracen groaned in similar complaint. Then his arm swung out, and a moment later, he mumbled, “Hello?”

A second after that, he rasped a very unimpressed, “Are you serious, man? This is not the morning to misdial me. Asshat.”

And he hung up before slapping the phone back onto the nightstand.

A second later, I frowned. That had actually sounded like my phone’s ringtone. Did Gracen have his phone set to the same ringtone as me? Or—

“Did you just answer my phone?” I asked, blinking up at the ceiling in confusion as I reluctantly began to awaken more and more.

“Huh?” he grunted, only to roll my way and wince through a bleary-eyed frown. “Nah,” he finally answered, “couldn’t have been. It was my friend on the other end of the line.”

“Oh,” I said and left it at that before the ringing started again. This time, I’m the one who sat up and checked. “Okay, this one is definitely my phone.” But when I saw the name Parker on the screen, I gasped. “Shit! I’m late. Hey,” I answered, tucking the phone between my ear and shoulder as I scrambled out of bed. “I slept in. I’m so sorry. But I can be there in five. I swear.”

“No worries,” my life coach’s voice spoke into my ear. “I’ll just hang out here and practice my jump shot until you show. Unless you need to reschedule.”

“No, I’m on my way,” I promised. “Just… Give me ten.” I was already pulling some panties up my legs and reaching for my bra, so I might even make it in five as I originally promised.

“Alright. See you then.”

Once I disconnected, my attention returned to the nude masterpiece on my bed, my rumpled sheets covering him up to his waist.

Resting his face on his hand, he watched me curiously. “So you’re leaving?”

“Yes. I’m so, so sorry. I meet with my counselor every Saturday morning.”

“It’s all good.” He waved me on without moving from the bed. “I like watching you get dressed in a hurry. It’s pretty hot. Your yoga pants are on inside out, though.”

I looked down. “Damn.”

“And... I get to watch you put them on twice,” he cheered good-naturedly. “Score!”

I cast Gracen a wry glance. “Are you going to stay here until I get back? We only meet for an hour—and way less than that today since I’m so late—so I shouldn’t be gone too long.”

His gaze warmed. “Do you want me to stay?”

I nodded and bit my lip. “Yes.”

“Then I’ll stay,” he said, his gaze heating with interest. “Do you have any problems with me snooping through your kitchen cabinets? I could whip us up a nice breakfast that we could eat together when you return.”

“Sure. If you want to. Wait. Don’t you have to work today?”

He shrugged. “I’ll just go in on Monday to make up for it. There’s this sexy blonde at the office that I kind of like running into in the breakroom anyway.”

Wow. It just took my breath away whenever he said sweet things like that. Sitting on the floor to pull on my socks and shoes, I told him, “I know what you mean. There’s this devastatingly handsome brunette at my office, too, that I can’t seem to stop thinking about. Those office romances, huh? Can’t get enough of them.”

“Oh yeah,” he agreed, only to frown and admit, “Though this will actually be my first one, so go easy on me, will you?”

I sniffed and shook my head over his humor. When I pushed to my feet, ready to go, I went to him first to kiss him goodbye. But our lips had barely met when his phone dinged with a new message alert.

We broke the kiss prematurely so he could check the screen. With a cursing groan, he dropped his head back onto the pillow. “Dammit. It’s Bella. She’s sending me an S.O.S.”

“An S.O.S.?” I asked with a frown.

“Yeah. That means I’ll probably have to go over there and comfort her through some bad drama. Fucking hell, I knew she’d gotten mixed up in a dicey relationship.” He threw off the covers and sent me a regretful wince. “Can we postpone the home-cooked breakfast? My twin duty calls.”