“Yes,” she gasped as I shifted deeper. “Completely. Oh my God!”

I grinned. “Thought so.”

“Gracen,” she gasped. “I think I’m gonna—”

“Oh, I can tell,” I smugly let her know.

She scowled at me for my teasing, but then let loose, crying out as the first wave of her orgasm hit her.

It was so freaking spectacular to watch that I lost my grip on all the amazing self-restraint I thought I should have, and I began to thrust, coming with her and experiencing something I’d never experienced before.

I think I’d just given my freaking soul to this woman. And I loved every moment of it.

Chapter Twenty-One


I was too bowled over to speak properly after Gracen rolled off me and let out the most satisfied sigh I’d ever heard a man make.

But seriously…

I turned my head to look at him in shock. “I never want to have sex any other way again.”

He grinned. Then swept up the vibrator that I’d dropped to my side afterward. “Did you hear that, my man?” he asked the green wand. “We did well out there tonight. Great teamwork. Way to give it your all.” Then he gave the swollen plastic head a little high five. And a fist bump. Followed by tapping his elbow to the vibrator’s elbow—er, where its elbow would be, if it had one. “But I think I got it from here.” And he chucked the green guy over the side of the bed before rolling toward me and grinning wide.

Only for him to pause, and hold up a finger. “Actually, no. Let me clean him for you real quick. That would bother me if I forgot.”

He popped off the bed with a speed that made me blink. After finding the vibrator on the floor, he disappeared into the bathroom. I heard the thump in the trash as he removed his condom, and then the water ran. A second later, he poked his head out into the doorway. “Did you need anything?”

The question was so sweet I smiled and shook my head before answering, “Only you.”

He lifted his eyebrows. “One Gracen Lowe it is, then, delivered right to your bed.” And he strolled across the floor to me, completely nude.

And wow. Seriously, he was just so...wow.

I opened my arms to receive him, and he crawled into the bed, burrowing against me with a contented groan.

“I don’t care if this makes me weird,” he muffled out from the pillow of my breasts. “But I love after-sex snuggling: flesh against flesh, limbs entangled, slow, lazy kisses, bodies malleable and warm, willing to mold up to each other. And happy sighs followed by drugged, contagious grins. I just can’t get enough of it.”

He lifted his head to look at me with a drowsy, content smile, so I gave him a slow, lazy kiss. “Agree,” I said.

Our legs tangled under the sheets and bodies meshed together until we came up for air to sigh happily as we turned to face the ceiling as one.

“Perfect,” I admitted, stroking his hair before I let out a sudden laugh. “Though I can’t believe you made up a secret handshake with my vibrator.”

He turned his face to look at me. “What? Too corny?”

I wrinkled my nose and held my fingers up, holding them open with only a couple of inches of space between them. “Just a little.”

He released a long, sad sigh, letting me know he was completely aware of how hopeless he was. “Yeah, I never did technically grow up. But I hope you don’t expect me to mature too much. I kind of like being a perpetual kid.”

“No,” I agreed. “I don’t want you to change. I like you exactly as you are.”

“Cool.” Glowing, he pecked the tip of my nose with his lips. “So honestly...” He idly began to stroke my arm. “How was your ride, my lady? The bloody chainsaw guy didn’t freak you out too much, did he? Your seat belt worked okay? Parachute opened like it was supposed to?”

I giggled. “Oh, my parachute definitely opened.”

His mouth fell open.