“Definitely,” she breathed, wrapping her legs around my waist and hooking her ankles together at the base of my spine. Then she ran her hands down my back, her fingers gripping muscles as she went until she was gripping my ass. “God, you feel so nice.”

“So do you.” I kissed my way along her neck and ground the base of my cock against her pussy.

“Now, what should I explore next?” I murmured once I reached the base of her throat. “Hmm. I say we’re going to…” I pulled up off her just enough to glance down and settle my attention on her chest. “That mountain. Don't ask me why, just a hunch, just feels right.”

She furrowed her brows. “Did you just quote The Croods? In the middle of this?”

I grinned innocently. “Maybe.”

Yellow threw her head back and shouted out a laugh. I used the moment to latch my mouth around a pouted nipple, and she broke off her amusement with a gasp of surprise.

From there on out, I got a little carried away with appreciating her. Her body was just ripe for the plucking; she gasped and moaned with every new patch of skin I explored. And I felt like a starving man. After suckling her breasts, I kissed my way down only to pause at the damp place between her legs. My jaws physically ached and saliva pooled in my mouth as I imagined my tongue diving in to taste her.

“I bet you taste so damn good,” I whimpered, glancing up at her with begging eyes. Her return gaze was glassy and dazed; she was fully aroused. I could probably make her come with just a few well-placed licks right now. But I was a good boy.

For now.

“Alas,” I moaned dramatically, “I am forbidden. Which means...”

I sat upright in a rush and dove off the side of the bed in search of the third member of our party. Aha! Holding it up, I returned to the mattress and handed it over.

But Yellow looked very uncertain as she reluctantly accepted it. “You were serious about that?”

“Hell, yes,” I said. “I really, really need you to come with me tonight because I don’t want to be the only one here screaming all your neighbors awake. I gotta be able to blame some of it on you.”

“So you honestly want me to just…?” She flushed and glanced away, waving her hand, “Pleasure myself? Right here in front of you?”

“That’s exactly what I want, yes. You know how to work that guy better than I do. This round, anyway. The first time through is all about learning and exploration, and I need to be taught how it’s done right. So…” I waved my hand like she had. “Do your thing.”

Her eyes warmed with affection as she looked up at me, then appearing extremely uncertain, she lowered the stimulator between her legs.

I watched her eyes flare at the first touch. Then her nostrils. A breath hissed from her lungs, and she began to arch and move against her lime green lover.

“Oh. Wow,” I breathed, unable to stop watching. “That is so hot.”

Yellow blushed, but when I started to stroke myself, her gaze fell boldly to my cock. “Hey, that’s what I was going to say about you.”

“Of course it was,” I murmured on a knowing nod. “Because you’re a copycat Gracen-phrase thief who can’t come up with your own line.”

She snorted at my joke. Then said, “Yeah, that must be it,” as her gaze fell to my ministrations on myself again. “Damn, but you’re a masterpiece.”

“Now, wait a second.” I scowled. “Y

ou can’t come up with something that totally blows my eloquently put wow, that’s hot right out of the water. Not fair.”

She preened. “Face it. I win.” But then she bit her lip and moaned, obviously having hit a sweet spot.

“But you’re not supposed to out-word me,” I told her as I tore open a condom package and rolled it into place. “How am I supposed to impress you now?”

She licked her lips hungrily as she eyed my shaft. “I have a feeling you’ll come up with some way.” Then her gaze lifted meaningfully to mine. “Fairly soon, in fact.”

“Do me a favor, huh?” I asked as I spread her knees and slotted myself between her thighs. “At least pretend to be completely dazzled and overwhelmed, even if you're not.” Remaining upright as she continued to buzz Mr. Green against her clit, I took myself in hand and positioned my cock just under the other guy so I could press at her entrance. Yellow sucked in a breath as I began to push inside.

“Oh God. That’s—oh!” Her eyes rolled back as she worked the vibrator more diligently and thrust up her hips to meet me as I sank home. “Holy shit. Holy…”

I watched the surprise and confusion and absolute pleasure on her face as she struggled to contain her reactions, slapping her free hand onto the mattress and gripping a handful of sheets as she clenched her teeth and blinked repeatedly.

“You’re totally pretending right now, aren’t you?” I couldn't help but taunt.