“When you first arrived at the theater, you apologized for being late because you’d been at a baby shower.” Her brows furrowed. “Didn’t you?”

“Oh!” Right. How soon I’d forgotten. “Yeah, a couple of my cousins are about to have some babies, so we had this huge, four-in-one baby shower for all of them. It was kind of a madhouse, and everyone’s basically required to go. I mean…” I shrugged and rolled my eyes. “Attendance probably isn’t that mandatory, per se, but then our mothers would call and ask why we weren't there, and we’d probably end up listening to a three-hour lecture about how important family is. And yeah, it’s just safer to go to them. Plus there’s cake. And melted candy bars in diapers, so who could miss that?”

Yellow smiled in amusement at my summation of the event, only to nod and murmur, “A four-in-one baby shower, huh? That makes so much more sense now.”

I lifted one confused eyebrow. “It does?”

“Yeah, I, uh, I saw your sister in the department store earlier. She ran into me in the ladies’ lingerie section, of all places.” Yellow rolled her eyes as if nothing could be worse. “And her cart was heaped full of baby things. I thought she was pregnant.”

“No, no.” I waved a hand. “She just had to buy double because I pitched in on paying for them, and I can’t pick out baby shower presents to save my life. But back up a second there. Did you just say you ran into her in the ladies’ lingerie section?”

“I know.” Her eyes widened. “You were right; she’s definitely seeing someone new. But I didn’t get the sense that it was someone bad for her, if that makes you feel any better.”

“It probably would,” I told her with a thoughtful bob of my head, “if I could get over the fact that you were there too.” Unable to control the grin that followed, I asked, “So what did you purchase from the ladies’ lingerie section, Miss Nicksen?”

The flush that spread across her cheeks made my heart happy. She had been there to buy something.

Something for me to see her wearing, perhaps?

Holy damn. I think I went instantly hard at that very moment.

“I—I didn’t—I mean, I left before I could pick anything out,” she answered awkwardly.

I paused in the middle of taking a step toward her. Ah, hell. “Because of something Bella said to you?”

Shit. If Bella had upset her into leaving the store, that wasn’t good.

She fidgeted, looking extremely uncomfortable, not wanting to answer.

With a sigh, I reached out and slid a piece of hair behind her ear. “Let me guess, you didn’t tell her, did you? You didn’t tell her that you never betrayed her.”

Yellow shrugged helplessly. “It didn’t come up.”

“Huh.” I shook my head slowly. “And here, I had a feeling, it was the only thing that came up between you two.”

“She’s still pretty mad at me,” she confessed with a wince.

“You could fix that, you know.” I dipped my face closer to hers until my cheek barely brushed her temple. “By simply telling her the truth.”

“I might,” she whispered, lifting her chin and tilting her face in toward mine so we’d brush past each other again. “Someday. Maybe. But probably not tonight.”

“Great.” I lifted my hand to her hip, fingers curling in just above the waistline. When her breath caught, I lightly kissed the top portion of her ear. “And right after you let her know, then I’ll tell her about us.”

“Us?” Her gaze lifted hopefully to mine. “Wha—what about us?”

I made a disappointed tsking sound before answering, “Well, if you don’t know, I guess I’m going to have to just show you what there is to tell her about us, aren’t I?”

Then my mouth was on hers, and my hand had moved to the small of her back so I could nudge her into me until we were pressed flush against each other. But the moment my erection bumped against her, she gasped and moved back.

I instantly let her go, worried I’d pushed too fast.

But when I asked, “You okay?” she nodded and looked up at me, touching her mouth as if she could still feel me there.

“Yeah,” she said. Then repeated it as if answering herself the second time. “Yeah. I just…” A smile bloomed across her face. “I don’t want the night to end yet.”

I didn’t want it to either. Figuring I needed to hold off on the kissing and touching parts, though, I suggested, “We could go somewhere for a drink.”

“Sounds good,” she agreed immediately, her head moving up and down slowly. “There’s this great