Instead of answering me, he let my sister step forward and demanded to know, “Why have you kept this a secret, Fox?”

“Uh…” I lifted my eyebrows incredulously. “Did you not listen to us just now? Bella’s not ready for that yet.”

“But how can she not be ready?” Bentley shook her head, confused. “This is you we’re talking about. There’s no way in hell you’d ever hurt her; the rest of the family would murder you. You’re like the safest person ever for her to start a relationship with.”

“And that fucker Ethan broke something vital inside her when they split up,” I countered. “She’s not ready yet, okay? So all three of us are just going to keep our mouths shut and be mute until she is. You two are not fucking this up for me by opening your big mouths and pushing her into exposing us before she’s ready. Because you might just push her into running off instead. And I’m not losing her. Got it?”

“So not even Gracen knows?” Beau asked in shock.

“No,” I told him.

“Holy shit, wow,” he murmured. Then a grin lit his face. “Then I know something about his twin that he doesn’t. Oh, this is classic.” As he rubbed his hands together in relish, Bentley blinked and stepped toward me.

“Wait, you really love her,” she murmured in awe. “Don’t you?”

“Of course, I love her,” I snapped irritably. “Why do you think I’m going through all this shit for her? Because she’s everything.”

“Oh wow.” Eyes filling with happy tears, Bentley launched herself at me and hugged me hard. “This is so awesome! You and Bella? I never would’ve thought of that match-up, but I love it. I’m so happy for both of you. Though, oh my God, that was your shirt in her room. I knew it!”

I frowned. “What shirt?”

“Never mind.” Shaking her head, she pulled away.

“So you’re going to keep the secret until she’s ready, right?” I pressed.

Bentley nodded, answering for both her and Beau. “Of course. Whatever it takes to get her as a sister-in-law. Oh my goodness. I could be her matron of honor and Beau will be your best man. This will be so much fun.” When she let out a little squeal of pleasure, I lifted my eyebrows. “What makes you think Beau would be my best man?”

“Because I said so,” Bentley answered simply.

Folding my arms over my chest, I countered, “And you’re positive Bella would ask you to stand up with her? She might just choose Gray to be her right-hand man, you know.”

My sister gasped in horror. “He would too, that rat bastard.” Grabbing Beau’s hand, she said, “Come on,” with utter determination. “I need to start working on her now and buttering her up. No man is taking my rightful spot.”

I grinned as she started for the door, only to say, “Hey,” which made her glance back. “I didn’t get to say anything earlier because I wasn’t supposed to know what happened, but I’m really sorry. About the baby. Are you sure you’re healing okay?”

With a soft smile, she nodded and returned to me to give me another hug. “I am. Thank you. And thanks for not telling anyone—other than your significant other, that is, which doesn’t count.”

“I understand why you wanted to keep it to yourselves,” I told her.

She nodded and touched my cheek. “And I don’t really understand why Bella doesn’t want the world to know that she’s with the best man she could ever get, but I’ll respect your guys’ privacy, anyway.”

“Thank you.”

And with that, I had protected Bella’s secret for another day longer.

I hoped.

Chapter Twenty



I skipped out of the baby shower early, about as soon as all the gifts were opened, and cake was served. After suffering through the agony of all the oohs and aahs and that-is-so-adorable, I deserved a damn slice of cake, so I couldn’t miss that part. I could only be grateful that all four sets of parents were allowed to open their presents simultaneously. I very well would’ve imploded if I’d had to wait for them to go one at a time.

They’d just started a round of games where everyone had to guess what kind of melted chocolate-coated candy bar had been folded inside a diaper when I’d stepped into the kitchen to toss my empty cake plate, only to keep on going out the back door and to my car.

No one would miss me—I don’t think.