Just when things were getting interesting, she broke us apart with a breathless laugh. “We really can’t do this here.”

“Just a little bit longer,” I begged, kissing the side of her throat and making her hum in appreciation.

“Fox.” She sighed as if she might give in, but then she pushed at my chest. “No. They’re probably opening gifts by now. And that’s why we’re supposed to be here in the first place.”

“I just gave them all a card full of money,” I argued. “I don’t need to be present to see them open that.”

“Money?” She cried in outrage. “Gah, you sound just like Gracen.”

“If you mean I sound like a normal man, then yeah, I bet I do.”

She grinned even as she backed evasively away from me. “We have to get back now. But we can’t go out together. People will suspect something.”

I nodded respectfully even as I wished we didn’t have to be discreet, that we could just openly be a couple.

“Go ahead and go first,” I told her. “You’ve been gone longer and would probably be noticed missing sooner, anyway.”

“Okay,” she agreed without an argument. Then she lunged forward to steal one last heated kiss from me before pulling away again with a grin. “See you out there.”


Probably from all the way on the other side of the room, but it was better than nothing. “See you,” I whispered, taking her hand and holding on loosely enough that she had to be the one to break the contact as she backed away from me.

Our eye contact held a second longer after our hands dropped back down to our sides. Then she turned and hurried away.

I set my hands on my hips and heaved out a breath.

Then jumped nearly out of my skin when a voice from behind me said, “Well, well, well. So our sly little Fox has been keeping secrets from us, has he?” A smirking Beau stepped from Eva and Pick’s private bathroom. “Or should I call you Warthog now?”

“Dammit.” Grinding my teeth, I hissed out a breath as I pressed both fists to my forehead, then dropped them and tried to turn the tables on him by saying, “Shouldn’t you be looking for my sister right about now?”

“Oh, he found me,” Bentley answered, stepping out of the bathroom behind her husband and crossing her arms over her chest as she eyed me with arched eyebrows.

“Ah shit,” I muttered, letting my head fall back on my shoulders. Now I had two people to keep silent, though to be fair, if one of them knew something, the other would soon enough, anyway.

“Beau was trying to console me when Bella blew into the bedroom, all upset and muttering to herself. We didn’t want to bother her because—”

Because you two were busy getting busy yourselves,” I finished dryly for her. “Yeah, I can see that.”

“We were not—”

I lifted a hand. “Maybe you should touch up your smeared lipstick and re-button your blouse the right way, sis.”

Bentley glanced down, then muttered a curse as she spun away to fix her shirt. Her eyes had been bloodshot too, meaning Beau had been consoling her.

And then they had no doubt gotten carried away, from that point on.

“Just so you’re aware. While you two were back here—not making out,” I informed them. “Ten was in the front room reading dirty stories to your kid.”

“Great,” Beau muttered with a sigh, while his wife whirled back around to scowl at me, her top back in order.

“Oh, don’t try to change the subject on us,” she accused, pointing at me. “This explains so much. I finally understand how she guessed I’d had a miscarriage. You told her.”

“And why she called me to go check on you after guys’ night,” Beau murmured with a considering nod.

“That was you? I knew someone had been in my apartment.”