“Unless you’re no longer with Ethan,” I went on cattily, narrowing my eyes as I let my gaze sweep derisively over her. “But that would be just a shame if you two were no longer together. I mean, after all that work you went through to steal him away from me…” I paused to tsk my tongue mournfully and shake my head slowly. “One would hope you’d be able to make it through—what’s it been—about a year and a half now? I was with him for over two years. So surely you could keep him longer than that, huh?”

Yellow’s face blanched of all color as she stared at me without speaking. Then she managed to clear her throat discreetly and murmur a quiet, respectful, “How have you been?”

It pissed me off that she couldn't even answer my question. She obviously didn’t have the guts to admit that she and Ethan were most likely long over by now.


Cheating skank. I bet she was picking out something to wear for some married guy right now. I almost

suggested that she try calling the man’s wife to help her figure out what kind of lingerie he liked most. But her gaze lowered and accidentally landed on the contents in my cart.

“Oh!” she blurted in surprise, gaping at the over three hundred dollars’ worth of baby shit I was about to purchase. Attention flashing up to my face, she stuttered around a moment before spitting out, “Co—congratulations.”

I rolled my eyes but didn’t bother to correct her that none of this was for me. “You just cannot stop the whole I’m-so-innocent-and-perfect act, can you? I mean, come on. I know what you really are. You can show your true face now.”

Yellow winced and blew out a long sigh.

Her expression turned pained and regretful, but oddly enough, it seemed more like she felt sorry for me, not guilty and regretful about everything she’d done to me. “I honestly only wish you the best, Isabella. I really do. Now, if you’ll excuse me...”

With that, she turned and started to leave, refusing to get into any kind of argument or altercation with me.

The bitch. How dare she take the high road while I was trying to be as nasty and mean as I could? Making herself appear all decent and kind.

I knew better.

I fucking knew she was the furthest thing from decent there was. She ruined lives.

She’d ruined my life.

“You’re not even going to say sorry to me, are you?” I snapped after her.

She paused, then slowly turned back. Shaking her head, she rasped from a broken voice, “Oh, I am sorry. I’m sorry for so, so many things. But I doubt any of them are what you think they should be for.”

I furrowed my brow. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

She didn’t answer, remaining irritatingly poised and elusive.

“I just hope that the man you’re with now treats you like a queen. Because that’s what you deserve.”

“Well, he does,” I snapped back unable to help myself. “He’s the best man I’ve ever met. A hundred times better than Ethan. And he loves me without question.”

Yellow nodded, smiling with genuine warmth. “Good. That’s...good. Have a nice life, Bella.”

I didn’t stop her when she left this time. She was no fun to argue with, anyway. The woman simply refused to take my bait. It made me feel like the bad guy here, and I was not the bad guy in this situation. I was the freaking victim, dammit.

But I didn’t want to be a victim anymore. I’d been trying to break free from that rut, which caused something that Yellow had said to ring true in my head.

I did deserve a man who treated me like a queen.

Thank you, Yellow. You fake, lying asshat. I guess even a broken clock was right twice a day, and you were surprisingly correct about one thing.

It was good that I had such a wonderful man in my life now. I should be grateful that Yellow had taken Ethan out of the equation for me. I wouldn’t have ever tried anything with Fox if she hadn't. And Fox was by far the best thing to have ever happened to me.

Which made me think about the one wish he had been craving most lately, and that was just the permission to let the rest of the world know he loved me.

God. I had been awful to him, hadn’t I? My own fears and stupid insecurities had hurt him.

Well, no more.