TEAGAN: NO!! A nice guy like him would never take advantage of her while she’s drunk.
HAYHAY: Then what am I supposed to do?
BENTLEY: Whenever he comes back from grocery shopping, just try again. And if you get so close that he tries to escape…
LUCY: Don’t let him.
BELLA: Don’t let him!!
TEAGAN: Girl, don’t you dare let him.
“Okay,” I said, nodding. “Okay. I can do this.” I sent my girls a thumbs-up sign, only to jump and squeak out a yelp when I heard the front door open. He was already home again.
Great. It was now or never time. Time to not accept I’m-going-grocery-shopping for an answer. Pausing at the full-length mirror, I fluffed my hair, pinched my cheeks, and met the reflection of my own eyes.
“You know he likes what he sees. That’s more than half the battle. Now make him act on it.”
Throwing my shoulders back, I left my room and made it to the kitchen, only to freeze in the doorway when I saw him pulling a package of bacon from his grocery sack and opening the refrigerator to slip it inside.
Holy shit. He’d bought bacon.
For me.
My heart dropped down into my stomach. After storing the bacon, he returned to the grocery sack and extracted a loaf of honey wheat bread—my favorite—then some pre-sliced cheddar cheese, a package of peanut butter cups, grape jelly, chocolate and vanilla swirl pudding cups, a box of club crackers, and a jar of peanut butter. With his back to me, he never knew I was there, watching him with my hands over my mouth.
But what the hell? He’d gone out and bought every single thing I’d listed off to him that I’d lost at my old apartment. Why would he be so sweet and considerate and—
Yep, it was official. I could not do casual sex. Not with Wick, anyway. Rebounding and getting it out of my system wasn’t an option. I was already feeling too much. If I let him into my body tonight, I’d be all in. I just knew it.
So, I retreated.
I was just going to have to try something different to move on and be happy in order to get back at Topher.
Issue 4 of “Hopeless Henry”
By Alice Bennet
Taken from the University Gazette
“Her name’s Avery.”
Jumping when those words rang out behind me, I turned slowly, recognizing the voice.
Reuben smirked as he shrugged. “Just thought you’d like to know.”
I glared at him. And the bastard had the nerve to laugh.
“What?” he taunted. “Hey, I can’t help it if the girl wanted me instead of you.”
Anger bubbled. My fists clenched at my sides. And for a moment, the only thing I could see was him across that bar, pulling my dream girl into his arms and kissing her.
And now he knew her name. Avery. Fuck. Her name was Avery. I hadn’t even been able to learn her name for myself.
Red fringed my vision.