“Well, you’re younger than all of us,” the brunette shot back.

Still standing at the open doorway, I began to shut it, trying to think up a way to excuse myself from the room without anyone noticing my exit when a voice from outside called, “Hey, wait up. I’m coming in too.”

I paused to frown at the guy who jogged forward and hopped up the steps of my front porch, even as he flashed me a bright smile. “Hi, sorry,” he greeted. “I’m with them. But holy shit, parking on this street is a pain in the ass. I had to find a spot two blocks away after dropping everyone off.” He motioned toward the women before turning back to me and holding out a hand. “I’m Gracen, by the way.”

“Ah,” I answered. “You must be the stupid brother who had to work yesterday.”

His mouth dropped open. “Bella!” he boomed. “You called me stupid?”

“I did not,” she shot back. “Lucy did.”

He sliced the other brunette a dry look. “Really, Luce? And your brother is Beau? I don’t think you have much room to talk.”

“Excuse me,” the redhead sang as she tugged the kid against her leg. “No insulting my husband, please, especially in front of his son.”

The son turned to look up at me. “Can I see your room?”

I frowned. “My room?” When he bobbed his head up and down very seriously, I glanced at his mother and aunts who paused to hear my answer. “Uh…I guess,” I said. “If it’s okay with your mom.”

The redhead fluttered out her fingers. “Be my guest.”

The boy further surprised me by taking my hand and then waiting expectantly for me to lead the way. I glanced at the others, almost hopeful someone would intercede, but no one did, so I led the kid back to my room. Staying in the doorway—mostly in the hall—I watched as he stepped inside and wandered around, mostly just studying everything.

He paused at my shelf of football trophies. “Wow. You got a lot of awards.”

I shifted my weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “A few,” I answered.

He turned away, dismissing them and wandered to my bed, which was still unmade from when Haven must’ve crawled out of it this morning. After staring at it a full five seconds, he turned to me and announced, “Okay.”

“Okay?” I repeated, not sure what he was approving.

He nodded. “Okay.”

So I agreed. “Okay.”

Stepping out of the way so he could exit the room, I asked, “What’s your name?”

“Braiden,” he answered, tipping his head way back to look up at me. “I’m five. How old are you?”


His eyes grew wide. “Wow. You’re as old as Haven. She’s my favorite first cousin once removed, you know.”

As he started down the hall, I walked with him. “Is she?”

“Yep. She babysat me in the summer last year when she was home from college, and we played the coolest games. Like toadstool. Do you play toadstool?”

“Can’t say that I do.” Frowning, I wondered what the game even entailed.

“Oh,” he said. “Well, it’s cool.” We’d just reached the kitchen as he announced, “I’m hungry. Do you have anything to eat?”

“Um…sure.” I glanced at his mother, silently asking for her permission. “Do you want some…?” After wracking my brain for kid food I might have on hand, I said, “Cocoa Pebbles?”

“Yeah!” Braiden cheered, only for Haven to wince.

“Ooh, sorry,” she said. “Your uncle Fox ate the last of those yesterday.”

When Braiden’s shoulder slumped, I offered, “Mac and cheese?”