My heartbeat thundered through my chest. I knew I shouldn’t ask, right before I blurted, “Would you do it again?”

His lips parted. Shock flared through his pale eyes. Then he shook his head slightly. “Do…what again, exactly?”

“I’m not coming on to you, I swear,” I rushed to reassure him. “This has nothing to do with sex or any kind of hanky panky. I just… I mean, I know we’re basically strangers, which makes my request really forward and super strange, but whatever you did earlier settled something inside me. And sitting next to you now started it again. I need that tonight. I know how crazy I sound, but if you could just do this for me right now, I’d never ask it of you again.”

He was quiet for so long, I figured he was trying to think up a way to turn me down. But then he shook his head and said, “I don’t… I mean, I don’t think I understand. I didn’t really do anything earlier. I just—”

“Held me,” I finished for him. “You held me. And that’s all I’m asking for. Just to let me rest against you for a little bit. Like flush against you. Please.”

Again, he didn’t give his consent, but something that looked suspiciously like temptation shifted across his face, so I moved slowly, slipping one of my hands behind his back and the other across his chest until I was hugging him from the side. Then I rested my cheek on his shoulder and snuggled up to him from the side.

“Like this,” I offered, waiting for him to either relax into the embrace or protest it and push me away.

A moment later, he released a breath. “Actually, it was more like this.”

Curving an arm around my waist, he shifted around until he was lying flat on his back with his feet up on the couch and I was settled mostly on top of him with half of me draped off to one side.

At first, I was too stunned to react. After the resistant way he’d let me get close in the first place, I hadn’t expected him to initiate future contact. Especially contact that was so…you know, full-body.

But then the surprise passed, and I realized it wasn’t so bad up here. It was actually pretty comfortable, as in completely comfortable. My shoulder found a place just under his arm as if fitting two pieces of a puzzle together, and one of my legs hooked over his like roots of a tree twining together to create more stability. And my cheek rested against his chest, where I could hear air fill his lungs every time he took a breath.

“Okay, this is nice,” I said, my eyelids growing heavy with just how comfortable and soothing it felt. Then I set a hand on the center of his chest to get his attention. “You good?”

If he wasn’t totally okay with it, I’d get off him. I mean, it might take the Jaws of Life to remove me, but I’d get it done somehow. For him.

Except he smoothed his hand over my hair and murmured, “Yeah. I’m good,” and I melted with relief, glad I didn’t have to move because the strangest thing was, there was nowhere else I wanted to be just then.

When his fingers left my hair, it felt oddly absent up there without his touch. He might’ve just been shifting my curls out of his face because they’d been irritating him, I really don’t know, but it had felt warm and compassionate, and I’d enjoyed it a lot.

Closing my eyes, I sighed, grateful for this moment.

“Thank you, Wick,” I said.

But I never heard his answer.

The next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes, and my cheek was smashed into a pillow, not a chest.

“What…?” I mumbled groggily, trying to remember what had happened because this wasn’t my normal pillowcase.

Lifting my head, I glanced around, dim morning light barely coming in through closed window blinds, only to find myself in my new room, on my new bed, and tucked between my new sheets.

I had no idea when he’d done it, but at some point during the night, Wick had retrieved my cleaned sheets from the basement, made my bed, and then carried me back to sleep in them.

Damn, but he really was genuinely nice, wasn’t he?



My schedule was all out of whack.

Instead of waking up at five for my daily run, I woke up at five, pressed into my couch with a warm weight on top of me, a ton of someone else’s hair scattered in my face, and quite possibly the worst case of morning wood I had ever experienced in my life.

My body reacted before my brain did, and I arched up my hips, seeking that heavy warmth, needing to press my ache against it. Turning my face in toward the hair, I found the nook of a feminine neck, and I wrapped my arms around her until I had a handful of ass and could grind her down on me as I rose up, connecting us just where I needed friction.

A groan rumbled from my throat. Rocket blasts of pleasure s

parked behind my eyelids. I breathed in her heavenly scent and began to kiss the warm stretch of flesh along her neck when it struck me what was actually happening and who was sleeping on top of me.