The Revenge Plan
Linda Kage
The Revenge Plan
Copyright © 2019 by Linda Kage
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses or establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this book—except in the case of brief quotations in reviews—may be used, reproduced, or translated without written permission of the author.
Contact Information:
Publishing History
Linda Kage, May 2019
Cover & Formatting: Kage Covers
Editor: Summer @ Red Pen Revolution
Proofreader: Shelley @ 2 Book Lovers Reviews
Proofreader: Judy @ Judy’s Proofreading
Created with Vellum
For Kurt Karl,
My husband,
Best friend,
Love of my life,
Favorite snuggle buddy,
Go-to person,
Most amazing father to my children,
And aggravating pain in the butt who always makes me talk it out,
which just might be what I love most about you.
Thank you for being you,
And thank you for keeping me.
With all my love,
Linda Kay
“Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all.”
Emily Dickinson.