My appointment at the doctor’s office to get my stitches removed had been scheduled for late afternoon so Haven and I wouldn’t miss any classes. She drove me there since I hadn’t gotten the restriction removed from my driver’s license yet.

After we waited nearly an hour to get in, it took them less than five minutes to pluck the stitches free, and not a very gentle five minutes either. I thought Haven was going to come out of her chair and strangle the nurse when she watched my expression throughout the process. But she managed to restrain herself, and it all ended fine. The stitches were gone.

I lifted my hand to the area to feel around. The skin was still as puckered and lumpy as it had been with the stitches in. Damn. This was really going to suck if I ever went bald.

As we were leaving the building, I glanced toward Haven. “How’s it look?”

She paused us on the sidewalk and made a production of holding my head between her hands so she could tip my face down and study the spot before letting me go and nodding her approval. “Pretty awesome, actually. It’s a nice war wound.”

I rolled my eyes and caught her waist to draw her closer. “You are such a liar.”

She gasped, offended. “Am not. You’re still way too handsome for your own good. Not even a little hole in the head could detract from that.”

I grinned, loving it every time she called me good-looking. It was just so unreal. I was with Haven Gamble now, dating her. Nothing else compared.

I kissed her, because how could I not, and she laughed against my mouth, kissing me back.

“Come on, Casanova,” she said. “There’s plenty of time for that at home. Let’s go.”

Mouth dropping open, I gaped. “Serious? So you’re finally willing to—”

Blushing, she slapped her hand over my mouth before glancing around to make sure no one had overheard us. Then she grinned into my eyes and whispered, “Maybe.”

/> “Maybe,” I repeated in relish. That was a hell of a lot better than the I-don’t-want-to-hurt-you I’d been getting for the last ten days.

When my smile grew to unbelievable proportions and I said, “Let’s go home, then,” she tossed her head back and laughed.


The feminine voice that called to us had me letting go of Haven’s waist and her pulling a step back so we could both turn together to see who had spoken.

When I actually recognized the girl, I blinked, certain I was seeing things.

Next to me, Haven stiffened. “Annabeth,” she bit out, her expression hardening.

I glanced between the two, immediately noticing the tension between them. Annabeth wore scrubs, which made sense. Back in the day, she’d told me she was a nursing major.

When she tore her intense stare away from Haven to glance my way, she looked momentarily as taken aback as I’d been when I first saw her. But then she smiled warmly. “Oh, hey, Wick. I haven’t seen you in forever. How’ve you been?”

I glanced uneasily toward Haven, then turned back to Annabeth. “Hey,” I told her. “I’m good.” Unable to contain my curiosity, I turned to Haven, “You know Annabeth?”

Haven shot me a killer glare as if she couldn’t believe I would dare ask her such an atrocious question. Then she growled from between gritted teeth, “She was my last roommate.”

I blinked at her a moment before that sank in. Then my world dropped out from under me, and my eyes widened.

I whirled back to send Annabeth an incredulous glance.

But what the fuck?

These two? Roommates?

How was that even possible?

It took me another second to realize Annabeth must’ve been the girl Haven had caught Nicholl fucking, the very girl who’d caused her to race from her apartment and run right into me, therefore becoming my roommate that very night.


Haven slowly glanced between me and Annabeth. “How do you two know each other?”