She blinked before a slow smile spread across her face. “Good,” she said, nodding her approval. “I had an ex in high school who started a lie about me after we broke up. It took a year for me to recover. Don’t let your jerk get away with that like I let mine.”

I nodded back with emotion. Suddenly, it didn’t just feel as if I had to teach Topher a lesson for my own sake. I had to do this for all exes who’d encountered unfair kickback.

It was a mission in justice.

I did come up with a plan. It took me until deep into Friday night to plot and scheme and think. But then, at about three in the morning, brilliance finally struck.

A smile took over my face. I stopped tossing and turning and landed on my back to grin goofily up at the ceiling.

Yes, the plan was perfect.

The plan was awesome.

It would attack both Topher’s jealous side and his ability to play football, which was pretty much the most important thing in his life.

The tricky part would be keeping Wick out of the loop. If he had any indication of what was going on, he’d ruin the entire setup. He had to be legitimately surprised when it all played out.

That’s why I found myself sneaking into his room at nearly six in the morning, just after I heard the shower turn on in his bathroom, which was easy to listen for since the water pipes were just on the other side of my wall.


art pounding, I flew out of bed and scurried across the floor. Once I hit the hallway, my palms began to sweat. But this sneaky, mischievous, up-to-no-good stuff definitely got the juices flowing, didn’t it?

At his room, I held my breath as I reached down and grabbed the doorknob. After a silent turn, I eased the door open, only to jar to a halt.


He showered with his bathroom door wide open. This complicated matters. Frozen in the entrance of his bedroom, I debated whether or not to abort the mission or carry on with the added risk.

Tabby’s voice floated through my head, along with all the rumors and lies Topher had started about me. He’d been the one to cheat, but I had still tried to end it amicably. Why had he been so determined to play dirty?

I pretty much had to do this to get him to back down.

Dammit, okay. Hoping Wick took his time in the shower, I darted inside and eased the door shut behind me.

Since it was a Saturday, he had the first playoff game today at noon to work toward the divisional championships. He probably had to be at the stadium by seven or eight.

Scouring his floor for his football stuff, I finally spotted his gym bag by his closet. So I hurried over and knelt down, unzipping it. After digging a moment, I came up with a pair of clean socks rolled together. After separating them, I stuffed my bra in one and rerolled the pair back together around it until the bra was completely hidden from view.

I’d just stuffed the socks back into his bag and rezipped it closed when I glanced over my shoulder toward the bathroom entrance to check on Wick’s status, only to freeze solid yet again.

Oh, holy wow. Not only did he leave his bathroom door wide open as he bathed, but there was a crack in the shower curtain too, where I could see his reflection perfectly in the mirror over the vanity as he stood under the spray of water…all naked. And wet.

And pleasuring himself.

My mouth dropped open. I watched him bow his head against the spray of steaming water. Bracing one hand against the wall, he worked the other between his legs, his wrist shifting in a hypnotizing, rhythmic fashion. Since he faced away from me, I couldn’t see the actual act, but the way his buttocks flexed and his back muscles tightened told me he was straining, getting close, just about to reach that—

He gasped and tossed his head back, letting the water pound against his face as the motion of his wrist slowed to long hard pulls.

Heat drenched me. My breasts tingled and thighs quivered as I watched him come. I could only kneel there by the gym bag in overwhelmed shock, my breaths quickening and body tightening.

Completely unaware I’d shared that erotically intimate moment with him, Wick suddenly turned off the water and yanked the shower curtain the rest of the way open before reaching for a towel.

Oh fuck.

Going into hyper freak-out mode, I almost missed the entire frontal of him I got in the mirror as he stepped out, toweling off his wet hair, while his still elongated cock swayed lazily between his legs. My eyebrows popped up and mouth watered, before I shook my head, realizing I needed to get the heck out of there. Fast. Before he looked up and met my gaze in the mirror.

The reasons why I didn’t want him to catch me in his room were multiplying, and about eight inches of them would be permanently imprinted in my brain forever.