“You can hold on to me as long as you need.”

She took the message to heart and relaxed fully against me, letting me take on her weight for about five minutes as she just stood there, pulling herself back together.

Finally, she looked up at me, slurring, “Wick?”

She looked a fright with her red nose, watery eyes, and black mascara smeared everywhere, yet she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

“Yeah?” I said, smiling softly as I wiped my thumbs under each of her eyes.

She merely shook her head. “Why’re you so nice to me?”

I shrugged. “I didn’t realize I was supposed to be cursing you.”

“You know what I mean. Why do you put up with these crazy spurts I keep going through? How can you just stay so patient and kind and understanding? Hell, even I’m getting fed up with myself, but you’re just… You’re so solid. You’re dependable and real and just…just patient. Why the fuck are you so patient?”

My heart began to beat a little faster, drumming insistently through my ears. But I shrugged, saying, “I only know that when I see you hurt like this, my throat starts to burn and my chest squeezes in around my lungs, then my hands get twitchy and restless, and I…” I blew out a long, steadying breath. “I legit cannot handle it. This need to make everything better for you overcomes me and…” Shit, I was saying too much. I gulped. “I’ll do anything to help you fix it. To—”

“But you can’t fix this.” She shook her head as if I made no sense. “You can’t fix me. No one can. Only I can find my way back to the light.”

“Well…” I glanced around the kitchen before coming back to shrug at her once more. “Then I’ll just stay with you in the dark and keep you company until you do.”

She blinked. “You actually want to?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Hell yeah. I like watching stories where the underdog comes out ahead. I gotta see this through and make sure you overcome your grief because the story’s just not done until you do.”

With a small smile, she rolled her eyes. “That is a cheesy, lame reason. And I’m totally not buying it. But… I appreciate the company, anyway.” Her gaze fell to the slopes and dips on my chest. “Thank you.”

Before I knew it, her fingers began to trace the cut lines of my pecs, right through my shirt. It felt really, really good.

“Thank you soooo much. You have no idea how much I appreciate it,” she added, letting her hand slide down erotically, lower and lower until—

I caught her wrist just as she reached the waistband of my sweatpants and gripped them as if she were going to push them out of her way. Underneath the cloth, my cock sprang to life, wondering what the hell my hand thought it was doing, stopping her like that.

“Haven,” I warned softly, the puff of my breath stirred the hair around her ear. “We went through this already, remember?”

“No,” she answered, tipping her head up in a drunken manner to frown in confusion at me. “I do not remember.”

I sighed and brought her hand gently up to her own chest. “You decided you didn’t want to sleep with me because of him,” I clarified, lifting my eyebrows as I spoke, even though my body was twenty kinds of aroused and it just wanted to let her keep trying to seduce me so I could end up fucking her right here in the kitchen.

A frown knit her brow. “Yeah, but I wasn’t touching you just now because of him. I was just… I wasn’t even thinking about him at all. I swear. This is all you and me.”

I gulped audibly, and the breath whooshed a little heavier from my lungs. “Well,” I started, my voice unsteady. “Then you’re drunk off your ass, so we’re still not doing anything.”

Now she looked downright insulted. “I’m not that drunk.”

“Drunk enough,” I said sternly.

“God.” Groaning, she threw her head back and consulted the ceiling. “This makes three fucking nights in a row that I’ve thrown myself at you and nothing’s come of it. Am I really that pathetic?”

“You are not—wait.” I straightened. “Three nights?” So, she had been trying something on Sunday. Holy shit. I shook my head, dazed.

“What about tomorrow?” she pressed, watching me expectantly.

I shook my head some more, still not over the fact that she’d wanted me…three nights in a row. “What about it?”

She sighed impatiently. “When I wake up from a good night’s sleep and I’m no longer drunk, as you say I am, would you still turn me away if I tried to...you know?”

Leaning in, she lifted up onto her toes to meet my mouth, but she tripped in her high heels and started to fall instead. I had to tighten my hold on her to keep her from going down.