My brow crinkled in confusion, wondering how they knew about that. Annabeth didn’t mix with this crowd, so she definitely hadn’t told them…I don’t think.
“Oh…” Letting out an exhausted sigh just thinking about that night, I sort of evaded, because my gut whispered at me to be cautious. “I found an extra room for rent at an apartment close to campus, and my dad came and helped me move everything.”
“Wow, that was lucky.”
“Right?” I agreed before taking another sip—er, gulp—of liquor, only to accidentally drain the glass.
“Where on earth did you find such a lucky place?” Sloan asked, kind of sounding like she was searching a little too hard for information.
I evaded even more, waving a hand. “You know, I can’t even remember the address,” which honestly was true. “I was just walking by and saw the for rent sign, and snagged it up.” Okay, that wasn’t so true. But whatever.
The other three exchanged a glance that put me on immediate alert, wondering why they were so concerned about where I was staying.
Manda was the first to cover it up, though. “Here, baby,” she offered, faking a big smile. “Let me get you another. You definitely need it.”
I relaxed, my chest filling with warmth. “You guys are too good to me.”
Half an hour later, I was ready to go. The girls focused on nothing but the breakup, asking for every little detail about what had happened. It was grueling. And any attempt I made to change the subject always wound its way right back to me…and Topher.
“Well,” I announced, draining my last glass and deciding I was definitely done. Anymore, and I wouldn’t be able to drive myself home. “Thank you, guys, for dragging me out of my hidey hole. I really needed this. But… I think I’m going to call it a night.”
“What?” they shrieked in unison, all reaching out to stop me. “You can’t leave yet. You just got here.”
“And you look so cute like that. You should show that sexy body off, let more people see it.”
I lifted an eyebrow. “More people?” I asked dryly, glancing around the club. For being a Tuesday night, it was basically dead in here. Only two other tables had people at them, and they were full of couples that were paying no attention to us.
“Just another hour,” Sloan begged, gripping my hands. “Please.”
I blew out a breath, just wanting to go home. A vision of cuddling next to Wick on his bed and watching compilations of Night Court on his laptop filled my head.
Now that sounded nice.
But obligingly, I sat back down.
Manda, Sloan, and Viv cheered. I flushed and gifted them with an embarrassed smile.
“Another round!” Viv called from my right, jostling my shoulder and making me flinch.
As the other two hooted in agreement, I drew a design through a pile of spilled salt on the table with my fingernail, hoping time would get its ass into gear and move along already.
“So…Haven,” Sloan started. “Do you think you’ll give Topher another chance?” Focusing on something over my shoulder, she added, “Because, damn, he is looking good tonight.”
Oh God, please don’t tell me Topher was here.
“Holy hell,” Viv murmured, blinking as she stared toward the entrance as well. “He really is.”
Shit. Slowly, I turned.
And there he was at the entrance, still shutting the door behind him, his golden blond hair floating artfully around his face as a breeze drifted inside with him.
“Fuck me,” Sloan murmured, fanning herself. “Did he do something different with his hair?”
“Seriously, Haven.” Manda set one hand on my shoulder, the other on her heart. “But if you don’t want him, I’ll take him.”
I rolled my eyes. “You guys do remember he’s a cheater, right?” Even though, okay, Topher had cleaned up nice tonight.