“You need to get your head examined,” I said, honestly confused by his insistent accusations. I’d been fully prepared to lie and say I hadn’t gone into that room with Wick on the night I’d caught Topher cheating, but this…this went way beyond what I thought he’d assume. “I had never even talked to Wick Webster before that night. Why are we even discussing him, anyway? I’m here to talk about what you did.”

“I’m serious, Haven.” Gripping my arm hard, he pulled me close and peered deeply into my eyes. “Don’t trust him. The prick hates me with a passion you can’t believe. He would love nothing more than to get the ultimate revenge against me. Like fucking you behind my back.”

“Revenge?” I repeated softly as the hairs rose on the back of my neck. Funny how he’d use that word. Then I shook my head. “Revenge for what? What did you do to him that was bad enough to merit his revenge?”

Ignoring my question, Topher insisted, “He’s only sniffing around you because of me. He just wants to use you. Don’t let him. He doesn’t give a fuck about you. You’re going to get hurt if you—”

“Are you on drugs?” I cut in. “Because I haven’t understood a word you’ve said since you opened your door. I’m not with Wick Webster. I never have been, and I—”

“I saw you, okay? Other people saw you.”

I paused, confused. “Saw me doing what?”

“On Thursday. Between classes. I saw you staring at him…for a long time.”

Oh, shit. I’d forgotten about that.

“And then Friday morning,” Topher went on, lifting his eyebrows as if he was sure he’d caught me in a lie. “You two were spotted leaving the student health center together.”

I faltered, not sure how to comment at first, because shit, he kind of had me caught there. Then I scowled because I wasn’t the ultimate liar here. I wasn’t the cheater. He was.

“So you have people spying on me?” I charged.

His hand tightened around my arm. “What the fuck are you doing with him, Haven? Him, of all people.”

I shoved out of his grip. “Okay, first of all. Don’t ever touch me like that again. Secondly, I didn’t come here for the third degree from you. You’re the one who was caught with your pants down, you fucking asshole. I have never slept with anyone but you. Just because I happened to be someplace at the same time as someone else doesn’t mean I was there with him, and it certainly doesn’t mean I’ve fucked that person. Maybe it does in your cheating little universe, but it doesn’t in mine. And you know what? Fine. I was looking at him Thursday between classes from clear across the courtyard because Wick Webster did help me last Wednesday night.”

“You cunt,” he breathed. “I knew it!” Pointing at me as if discovering I was a murderess, he exploded, “I fucking knew it.”

“You don’t know shit,” I snarled. “Because there I was, running down the hall to get away from you, and the first person I saw opening a door and leaving a room is the first person I plowed into for help. It just so happened to be him. I pushed him back into the dorm he was leaving, and for some reason, he didn’t rat me out to you. I don’t know why, probably because you guys don’t like each other and it gave him pleasure to mess with you. But it meant a lot to me. Then, as soon as you left, I took off too. I haven’t seen Wick Webster since,” I stated calmly, feeling no worries about my lie because it was none of his business what I did anymore, not since the moment I’d caught him with Annabeth. “Except on Thursday between classes across the courtyard and then Friday morning when he opened the door to let me leave the student health center before him, where I might add, I had to get myself checked out because I wasn’t sure how many STDs you might have given me, you motherfucker.”

He drew in a breath to say something, but I kept talking over him. “I didn’t come here to be accused of treachery from you for anything I did after Wednesday evening, because as of then, I am no longer your concern. I could’ve fucked half the football team by now, and you would have no say in the matter because we are over. Do you hear that? Over! Which means, I want you to stop calling my phone, stop leaving messages, stop having your creepy friends keep tabs on me, stop accusing me of sleeping with your enemies, and just leave me the fuck alone.”

Letting go of the box I was holding, I let it fall to the floor at his feet. When something glass inside shattered, I smiled and I turned away to

stalk off.

Quietly, Topher said, “Haven?”

He was calm and humble enough about it that I actually paused and glanced back. “What?”

“I’m serious. Don’t trust him. He’ll come after you. Because of me. And I’m not guessing here. I know it. He won’t stop until he fucks you. He wants to get at me that bad.”

For a split moment, I wondered if Wick had only been so nice and helpful to me these past few days because of whatever bad blood was between him and Topher. But then, why go to the lengths he had? He’d let me move into his apartment. He’d stood up to my father to keep me safe. He’d finished cleaning my sheets, made my bed, and set up special doctor appointments for me. He might be a gruff, serious guy who didn’t know how to smile, but he was nice. I could feel that about him from deep inside my bones, my gut, and whatever other body parts I had that read people. My instincts said he was a good person.

Besides, last night he’d had every opportunity to do exactly what Topher was claiming he wanted to do, except he’d run off to buy me groceries instead.

So, I arched my eyebrows at Topher. “Oh, will he?” I murmured smugly, setting my hands on my hips and narrowing my eyes. “But how’s he going to do that if he’s gay? Huh, Topher?” Spreading my arms at my sides, I said, “I mean, you didn’t lie to me about him being gay, did you?”

“Haven.” His voice cracked and his gaze filled with misery as he reached for me. “Baby, I just—”

“You know what,” I snarled. “If he wants to fuck me just to piss you off, I actually approve of the idea.” Fluttering my lashes, I waved a few fingers at him. “Thanks for the suggestion, honey.”

And I turned away, feeling big and powerful and awesome.

“You fuck him and I will make you pay, you stupid bitch.”

Umm, excuse me? What did he just call me? Glancing back, I said, “You’ll do what now?”