Just how far were they going to go? How in God’s name could he do this to her? She was his girlfriend! Was it not his job to protect her modesty? To not blast their intimate moments to his fucking nemesis? To respect her privacy?

Unable to believe this was really happening, I glanced blindly around the room, looking for something to do to stop it.

From the television, Reuben was telling Avery to relax. “I’m your boyfriend,” he scolded lightly. “What do you think I’m going to do? Trust me, will you?”

“Sorry,” she started. “You know this is my first time. I’m nervous. I just... Talk me through everything, will you? Please.”

Closing my eyes, I bowed my head and clenched my teeth.

Her first time? Oh Jesus. No. They weren’t going to... Were they?

Holy fuck, they were.

“Well, I’m about to thrust my dick into your vagina, right here,” Reuben started in a mockingly sarcastic tone.

I glanced up at him, frowning, only to catch a glimpse of them on the bed together. Naked. Just as Avery slapped him teasingly in the arm for his stupid, poorly made joke, I dropped my gaze again, breathing shallowly and trying not to flip the fuck out.

Unable to handle this, I charged the television and studied the frame, pushing every button I found until I finally discovered Power and turned the damn thing off.

There. Thank God. It was over.

But as soon as silence filled the room and I breathed out a deep breath of gratitude, the television flipped right back on, just at the moment he entered her.

She sucked in a startled breath and clutched his shoulder, her eyes wide with a bit of shock and pain. He paused, asking if she was okay, and she bobbed her head bravely, telling him not to stop.

Things inside me shredded apart. I had pictured myself having this very moment with her. I should’ve been the one she told not to stop.

I should’ve been the one.

Trauma rendered me momentarily immobile, forcing me to watch them a few seconds longer.

I didn’t know how to deal. Frantic with my mind screaming at me to make it stop, I finally broke free from my daze and searched for the plug-in to rip the cord from the wall. But of course, all the cords led under the door. I grabbed them anyway, pulling with all my might. From behind the door, someone cursed, and I suddenly met resistance from the cords as the fucker on the other side tried to prevent me from unplugging the television.

Black dots danced in my vision. Above me, Reuben groaned out his release. I shuddered, my hands literally shaking as I sank down on the floor and buried my face in my hands.

He’d stolen the girl I wanted. He’d snapped her up, right out from under me, and taken her virginity. Then forced me to watch it.

Above me, she sounded uncertain as she asked, “Was…was that okay?”

“Yeah, babe,” Reuben answered offhandedly. “You did just fine, but don’t worry. You’ll get better.”

I made a face. You’ll get better? What a fucking douche.

Frowning up at him without meaning to, I caught sight of her sitting upright on the bed, hugging herself, looking small and scared. She watched Reuben as he stood next to the bed and removed his condom.

All she needed right then was a little reassurance, someone to hold her and tell her how special it had been, how special she was.

Gritting my teeth, I silently growled, Come on, Reuben. Just sit back down next to her. Hug her. Don’t let her continue feeling shitty after her first time.

I hated him with every ounce of air in my lungs, but at that moment, I needed him to be there for her. She was worried and uncertain. Someone needed to comfort her. And he was the only bastard there.

Except Reuben didn’t hear my silent plea. And Avery had to drag in a deep bolstering breath by herself. Straightening her shoulders, she tucked a piece of hair behind one ear and cleared her throat.

“Hey, uh…” She grinned at him tightly. “Do you think we could keep this quiet for a while? I don’t, uh, I don’t really want everyone to know just yet.”

“Sure thing, babe,” Reuben answered, his voice distracted as he moved straight toward the camera until only his face was showing. Then he grinned and winked at me, making it obvious he knew he was being recorded, obvious he was lying his ass off to Avery, obvious he was Satan himself. Then he glanced over his shoulder to cap his dishonesty off with, “I would never kiss and tell.”

And the screen went blank.