“Really?” I grinned and hopped onto the table so I could sit next to his laptop. Crossing my legs at the ankles before letting them swing slowly and hypnotically, I said, “That’s cool.”
“Is it?” he murmured distractedly as he followed the pendulum-like movements of my swaying ankles.
“Mm-hmm.” Lord, I needed to grow better conversational skills than this. But my brain was blanking out on me. This seduction stuff was more nerve-wracking than I thought it’d be.
He lifted his gaze from my knees to my lap area. It was totally possible he saw a peek of my red undies, but I was too nervous to glance down and check whether they were showing.
I suspected he could, though, when he jerked his eyes up suddenly. They were wide with alarm as he blurted, “I’m sorry, what?”
I glanced around. “Uh… I didn’t say anything.”
Red flushed the tops of his cheekbones. “Oh.”
He looked so dazed I kind of started to worry about him. “Wick?” I said softly, leaning toward him so I could touch his shoulder again, but this time in concern. “You okay?”
“What?” He jerked his attention up again, only to get lost at my neckline where I was bending toward him and probably giving him a peek of cleavage.
Hissing, “Shit,” under his breath, he popped to his feet so fast that I reared back in surprise.
“I, uh, I’m going to go grocery shopping,” he announced out of the blue, his voice rushed and his gaze straying everywhere but near me. “We need groceries.”
“Um…okay,” I said slowly, feeling like a moron. I hopped off the table and crossed my arms over my chest as if chilled, trying to cover myself.
He still didn’t look at me when he waved and mumbled a hurried goodbye. And then he was out of the kitchen at warp speed.
I waited until I heard the front apartment door open and close until I retreated to my room and group texted my cousins, the female ones with the stupid rebound/revenge idea.
HAYHAY: Great advice, geniuses. I tried to wear something I knew he’d like and act all come-and-get-me-big-boy. But he took off so fast out of the apartment I think he left a vapor trail behind him. And get this: he left because he said he needed to buy GROCERIES, of all things.
LUCY: Okay, describe the entire scene from start to finish.
So I did.
BENTLEY: Oh, HayHay. Our poor, innocent baby cousin. You have so much to learn. You were close, so freaking close to getting him right where you wanted him. Retreat was clearly his last option to keep from attacking you like an animal right there on the table. That boy wanted to fuck you senseless.
I chewed on my lip thoughtfully.
HAYHAY: You think?
LUCY: Oh, yeah.
TEAGAN: Hell yes!
BELLA: Definitely.
BENTLEY: If you had prevented him from leaving, he wouldn’t have lasted another minute. He would’ve been on you like a starving dog.
HAYHAY: But why did he want to retreat in the first place? You guys assured me every man is fine with being used for rebound sex.
TEAGAN: Probably because he’s a nice guy. Like JB. You’re still recovering from a breakup. A nice guy wouldn’t be able to take advantage of that. In which case, you probably have to actually say the words, I WANT TO USE YOUR BODY FOR REBOUND SEX, PLEASE AND THANK YOU.
BELLA: Sadly, I think T’s right. You might need to say the actual words.
I groaned aloud, certain I would never be able to say such words to anyone.
HAYHAY: Do you know how hard that will be for me?
LUCY: Get a little help from your friend, Jack Daniel’s, maybe.