Obviously, the announcers had their own theory. “Makes you wonder if this is the reason Wick Webster was suspended from today’s game,” one of them said.

“What?” I blurted, shaking my head in absolute confusion. “Suspended?”

“I’ve heard the quarterback and safety do have quite a rivalry going on between them,” the other commentator agreed.

“Could be, Todd. That could be,” the other guy went on. “It’s a nasty feud indeed, stemming all the way back to their freshman year when Webster was the starting quarterback at the beginning of that season.”

“Quarterback?” I repeated, shaking my head. What the hell were they talking about?

I blinked at the screen in shock as the two gossip mongers detailed how Topher had suddenly taken over Wick’s position as quarterback after Wick had disappeared from the team for a while until showing back up on the scene as the team’s safety.

Holy shit, I never knew Wick had played quarterback. Topher had certainly never mentioned it.

Why did it suddenly feel as if everyone was keeping everything from me? Flipping the television off, I tossed down the remote and strode down the hall. I’d never ventured back to Wick’s room, and Izzy hadn’t shown it to me in her tour of the place, but I knew exactly where it was.

Without even thinking to knock, I shoved the partially open door the rest of the way open and gaped in surprise when I found him in there, sitting upright on his bed with a laptop perched on his lap and earbuds plugged into his ears.

He glanced up in surprise at my intrusion. When I noticed he wore glasses, I faltered. Oh Lord, why did he have to wear glasses? Glasses on guys were so hot. They made my stomach flip with an erotic little hiccup.

“Yes?” he asked, lifting his eyebrows above the frames.


’re here!” I accused, setting my hands on my hips and forcing myself to ignore the glasses. “What the hell are you doing here?”

He slowly pulled the earbuds out by the cord, seeming confused as he answered, “I live here.”

I pointed in the direction of the stadium. “But there’s a football game going on right now. And you’re on the fucking football team.”

He sighed.

“The announcers on TV said you were suspended,” I added.

Furrowing his brow, he shook his head. “If you already knew why I wasn’t playing, then why did you ask?”

“Because I want to know why!” Leaving the doorway, I stormed close in order to loom threateningly over him.

“What?” he muttered petulantly. “Couldn’t the sportscasters tell you that, too?”

“They said something about anger management issues.”

“Jesus.” His facial features tightened, letting me know he did not like hearing how his business was being spread across the airways, but then he shrugged and went back to looking at whatever was on his laptop as he vaguely murmured, “Well, there you go. I was suspended because of anger management issues.”

I sat on the bed by his hip and slapped his laptop shut to gain his full attention. Someone with anger management issues would’ve snapped over that. They would’ve attacked me, or in the very least, gone off into a yelling tangent. But Wick merely huffed out a weary sound and rolled his eyes toward the ceiling as he sat back in defeat.

“Anger management issues, my ass,” I growled. “You had a cut lip and bruised face when you came home from practice Thursday night, and they showed a close-up of Topher with his helmet off. He’s got a black eye too. The two of you fought, didn’t you? Even the commentators were speculating that he was involved. And wow, look at this.” I grabbed his hand to lift it, showing off his fist. “A cut on your knuckles, too. What a surprise.”

He jerked his hand away and glared at me. “Once again, if you already knew everything, why are you in here, asking me about it?”

“Because I want you to look me in the eye and admit out loud that you were suspended from tonight’s game because of me.”

He growled out a disgusted breath. “Except I wasn’t. I was suspended because I got into a fight with a fellow player.”

“A fellow player who was Topher, and a fight that was about me,” I pressed. “Wasn’t it? I caused this.”

“No,” he growled more harshly. “You didn’t.”

“So your fight had nothing to do with me at all? Or Topher?”