“Totally,” Darcy spoke up as she made a couple more marks. “So, perfect. I’ll get everything ready for you. But first.” She held up two cups, one out to me that had my name on it, and one toward Wick with his name on his. “I need you to pee in these cups.”

As I reached for mine, Wick simply blinked. “Wait, what?” he said, shaking his head. “Why are you handing me a cup? I don’t need to get checked.”

His sister smirked at him. “Come on. You’re already here, and hey, wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry and know for sure? Like Haven?”

He glanced toward me, only to turn back to her. “But I’ve never had unprotected sex.”

“Wow, thanks.” Glowering from narrowed eyes, I shot back, “For your information, I thought I was protected with birth control and what I assumed was a monogamous relationship. But guess what? I was wrong.”

“I didn’t mean that,” he started, only to pause and roll his eyes. “It’s just…” He turned beseechingly back to Darcy. Hissing under his breath, as if he didn’t think I’d be able to hear him, he muttered, “You have to actually be having sex to worry about an STD, don’t you?”

“Oh, please,” Darcy snickered, rolling her eyes. “You can’t tell me you’re a virgin. I mean, sure, you’re a complete dork, but still… Pretty-boy football star like you? I’m not buying it.”

The dork term caught me off guard. I’d never once thought of Wick Webster as dorkish. But if he was a dork, then he was a sweet, loyal, trustworthy dork trapped in a hot guy’s body, that was for damn sure.

“I didn’t say I was a virgin,” he mumbled defensively to his sister. “I’m just saying it’s been long enough that I would know by now if I had anything. Alright?”

Folding her arms over her chest, Darcy narrowed her eyes. “Oh really?” Obviously not impressed, she asked, “Has it been over a year?”

Wick paused. He glanced discreetly my way before turning back to his sister and quietly growling, “No,” from between gritted teeth. “But pretty damn close.”

I found it interesting how modest he was being about his prowess and couldn’t help but wonder why it’d been so long for him.

Darcy thrust the cup his way. “Just pee in the damn cup.”

“Fine.” He gave in impatiently, grabbing the cup only to snidely retort, “Do I get a pelvic exam too?”

“Sure thing,” his sister quipped back with an acidic grin. “We’ll get you in a set of stirrups as soon as the next doctor’s free.”

He sighed. “God, you are such a pain in the ass.”

“Aww, I love you too, bubby. Now go pee in the cup.” Smacking him on the ass, she nudged him from the room and down the hall, only to turn to me and become pleasant again. “Haven, the ladies’ room is down this hall and three doors to the right.”

And that was the last I saw of Wick for the rest of my checkup.

Darcy directed me to a new room when I was done with my cup, and there she got down to business, getting all my personal and insurance information. When she was finished with that, she handed me a flowery cloth gown and told me to change into it with the opening in the front.

Ugh. I’d been doing this since I was nineteen and gone on birth control for Topher, but these exams never got any easier, I swear.

The doctor was a woman who seemed friendly when she came in, smiling and introducing herself to me with a handshake. But as soon as she got down to business, it was just that. Business. No more smiling. No more small talk. And lots of lecturing about sexually transmitted diseases and how I needed to take better care of protecting myself. The entire time she was spreading my knees apart and examining me, I got to hear all about the nasty, sometimes life-threatening side effects of most of the diseases she was testing me for.

In response, I stared at the ceiling and bit my lip, nodding in agreement with her as I waited anxiously for her to finish. At one point, I inadvertently met Darcy’s gaze. She sent me a rueful grin and then lifted her hand to give me the universal sign for talking, letting me know even she thought the doctor was rambling a bit too much about bad side effects.

I managed a smile and was able to relax a bit more until the doctor was finished, popping her head up and announcing that everything looked good so far, but they’d know for sure after the lab reports came back.

Relieved by that, at least, I changed in record time, only to have to wait for Darcy to reappear with another nurse to get my bloodwork taken care of.

“It was nice to meet you, Haven,” she told me with a considerate kind of twinkle in her eyes once all that was done. “I’ll get the test results back to you as soon as possible.”

I smiled and thanked her, then hurried out of there, relieved to be back in my clothes and done with this mission. I hated doctor’s offices and exams and medical testing. If Topher had actually given me something and I had to go through more of this, I was straight-up going to murder him.

I was practically running by the time I hit the reception area again, ready to hightail it out of there, but I slowed when I saw Wick waiting, sitting in a chair with his elbows on his knees as he played Gardenscapes on his phone.

Glancing up when I entered, he pushed to his feet and asked, “Finished?”

I nodded, squinting at him. “Yeah. Were you waiting on me?”

He glanced away, and I swore the tops of his cheeks brightened. But when he turned back, he shrugged negligently. “Just wanted to make sure you came through okay.”