I blinked Rush back into focus and frowned at him for butting into my staring. “What?”

I only had this one measly hour to watch her, three days a week. This was some precious-ass time for me.

“Dude, you just totally phased out for a minute. And… You’re doing it again.”


sp; When I realized I’d returned my gaze to her, I jerked my attention to Rush and frowned. “What?”

“Seriously, what has you so…?” But he’d already followed the direction of my gaze and was lifting interested eyebrows. “Oh…” he drew out in understanding and nodded sagely. “It’s a girl. Hey, wait.” His eyes widened as he whirled back to me. “Is this the girl? The one you always go on about at band practice?”

“I don’t always go on about her,” I muttered, lowering my voice and glancing around to make sure no one was listening in on us. Then I sank a little in my seat, because shit, had I gone on that much about her during band practice?

“Um… Yeah, you kind of do. Which one is she?” He moved confidentially closer as he studied her and her two friends. “The one in the middle, right? Or maybe the one on the left?”

I shook my head, frowning because why couldn’t he already tell? And how in all that was holy had he guessed completely wrong? Twice!

“The right end,” I said, scowling at him.

He wrinkled his nose, before sending me a sideways glance. “You shitting me? The one on the right? That’s the one you’re so crazy about? What the hell, man? I mean, don’t get me wrong, she’s cute and all, in a bring-home-to-mama-and-bake-cookies-with kind of way, but damn… The one in the middle screams do-me-dirty. She’s fifty times hotter.”

My frown deepened as my back straightened. No one knocked my dream girl.

No one.

“Um…no,” I told him in no uncertain terms, ready to get physical if he dared to disagree. “She isn’t. The one on the right is the best-looking one.”

She was prettier than the other two put together. Hands down.

Rush merely lifted his eyebrows. “Easy there,” he murmured, letting out a low whistle. “Down, boy.” Then he shook his head. “Wow, you have it bad.”

I sniffed and returned my attention to my dream girl, finally focusing on her friends before comparing. But seriously, Rush was so wrong in his opinion it was almost comical.

He patted my back as if worried about me. “Have you even learned her name yet?”

I tried to ignore him, but he persisted. “Have you?”

“No,” I muttered from between clenched teeth.

Which only got him going again. “What? Are you fucking serious? What the hell, Henry? You need to grow a pair and just talk to her already.”

“I will,” I mumbled petulantly, glancing toward the girl as the professor entered class. She opened a spiral binder on her desk and uncapped her pen with her teeth, ready to take notes. “When the time’s right, I will.”

At the front of the room, class began. Next to me, Rush nudged my arm. “The time won’t be right unless you make it right.”

And say what? I wanted to argue.

I needed a reason to approach her, some kind of strategy that made me appear amusing and awesome, where I could say or do something that would really capture her attention and leave a lasting impression. She didn’t know I existed yet. I wanted to stand out so that she wouldn’t forget me once we did meet.

I just hadn’t thought of the perfect plan yet.

Rush grabbed his crotch and shook his package, mouthing the words, “Grow a pair,” yet again.

I rolled my eyes and focused on the professor.

Maybe it was merely lack of nerve that held me back. I’m sure I did need to grow a pair. But I didn’t want to mess this up, either. I’d been daydreaming about her for two solid months now. Our first meeting had to be classic, unique, memorable.

It had to be amazing.