Next to Mrs. Gamble, Haven huffed impatiently and opened her arms as if to expose her breasts fully. “Would it help if I just flashed you my tits now?” she asked dryly.

“Yes,” I answered honestly, going for shock value. “But then I’ll just want to see the rest.”

“Okay, whoa.” Laughing nervously, Mr. Gamble stepped in front of his daughter to block her from me as if he thought she was going to start stripping that very moment. Lifting his hands, he turned to her. “I think Webster’s successfully demonstrated the fact that he’s just not comfortable living with a female, and we should respect that. So, the best thing to do now is for you to come home with us tonight and—”

“No,” Haven growled determinedly. “I want to stay here.” Stepping around her dad to face off with me again, her eyes narrowed, flashing with steely resolve as she set her jaw firmly and jammed her fists against her hips.

Nicely curved, lush hips, I might add.

Yeah, I wanted to see those without any clothes obstructing my view, too.

“Would you ever do anything to me against my will?” she asked.

“What?” I cried, pulling back in horror. “No!”

With a knowing nod, she harshly accused, “Exactly. So you’re just feeding me a bullshit excuse. I know all kinds of people who share co-ed apartments, and they get along just fine. There is no reason we couldn’t too. And I promise you will never accidentally walk in on me in any state of undress. Okay? Hell, half the time, I doubt you’ll even know I’m around. Now name me a damn price for the damn rent before I strangle it out of you.”

“Why?” I snarled right back at her. “Why do you want to stay here of all places? It’s not that glamorous of an apartment. The trash never gets picked up on time. The hot water tank has to be the smallest one ever made. I swear, the Wi-Fi’s on the fritz more often than it’s not, and during certain times of the day, the traffic outside is a nonstop pain in the ass. So, good luck ever finding a parking spot.” Spreading my arms wide, I demanded, “Now tell me, what the fuck is so appealing about all this?”

She stared at me a moment, taking in my harsh breathing and moody glare. Then she quietly answered, “I want to stay here because…” Pausing, she licked her lips nervously.

“Because why?” I pushed, pitching my voice hard in order to get her to back down.

But the reverse happened. Egged on by my tone, she straightened her spine rigidly and responded just as harshly, “Because I feel safe here with you.”



Issue 2 of “Hopeless Henry”

By Alice Bennet

Taken from the University Gazette

College was different than I thought it’d be. Harder in some ways; easier in others. One thing I seriously needed to learn was time management.

As I stepped from the history department building, my head spun with everything I needed to get done. My professor had just reminded us of midterms coming up and an essay that was due next week. Then I had another paper in my English class to finish, a group project to work on in sociology, and a big lab assignment to start in chemistry, not to mention we had a parade to practice for in band, and another home game to perform at this weekend, and—

Well, let’s just say I had no idea when I was going to get everything done. That pretty much summed it up.

Turning down a sidewalk that led toward the cafeteria, I swung my book bag over one shoulder just as Rush appeared at my side.

“Henry, my man,” he greeted, bumping his shoulder companionably into mine. “So, I’ve been thinking. Would wearing a suit to your family’s Thanksgiving dinner be too much, or would it score major brownie points with your mom and make me look like a nice kid to her?”

I glanced at him and frowned before answering, “Thanksgiving’s over a month away.”

“I know. But I want to be prepared for this. I never spent a holiday with a real family before. I want to do it right.”

I blew out a breath, trying not to let that affect me, but hell, Rush had a way of making me feel awful for him. Growing up in the system, he’d never experienced shit most kids took for granted. Like holidays. So, I’d already told him he’d be spending every holiday with my family from now on.

I’d had no idea the mere invitation would possess him so thoroughly, though.

“Just wear what you normally wear,” I advised on an offhanded shrug. “Like what you have on now would be fine.”


I lifted a hand. “Seriously, man. My mom’s going to learn you’re a nice kid just from your personality when she meets you, and nothing you wear is going to bias that. Besides, we’re not the black-tie-affair kind of family. You’ll just stick out like a sore thumb if you suit up.”