“Oh, everyone already knows who Haven is,” Cannon was pleased to report, smirking at me. “They haven’t quite figured out Webster yet, but there are plenty of guesses floating around. I doubt my reveal will be far behind.”

I wrinkled my nose but grabbed Wick’s hand as I met his sister’s gaze. “I think I’m okay with that, though. To ruin Topher, I am definitely okay with it.”

Wick squeezed my fingers. “Yeah,” he agreed a little more reluctantly. “I believe I can live with it too.”

With a sudden snort, I shook my head. “But I can’t believe your story was about revenge all along.” I glanced at Izzy. “And here I always thought it was a romance.”

Izzy shrugged. “Why can’t it be both?”

When we shared a smile, I remembered her hugging me in the hospital and whispering, I wanted you two to get together from the very beginning, and I realized she’d been rooting for me for three years now.

Covering my mouth as emotion overwhelmed me, I smiled at her through a mist of happy tears. Not only had her purpose for “Hopeless Henry” been to ruin Topher but also to finally get me and Wick together.


I glanced at Wick and decided, Thank God it worked.

“Well, I can’t believe you put me in the fucking marching band,” Cannon raged. “I mean, what the hell, Little Web? Do I look like a band geek to you?”

Izzy rolled her eyes. “Oh my God. I made you a drummer. That’s like the coolest kind of musician there is.”

Cannon couldn’t seem to argue that point, so he rolled his eyes and grumbled around before mumbling, “It still would’ve been better if you’d put me in a rock band or something.”

Izzy sighed impatiently. “How about I put you in a rock band that you join after graduating from college in a story titled…” Pausing dramatically, she lifted her hands as if to display a door plate. Then she winked at him and said, “Relishing the Rush?”

He narrowed his eyes. “You are not writing a story about me too.”

“Oh, come on. Be a sport,” Izzy taunted, grinning and flitting her fingers across his abdomen, making him suck in a breath and back away from her. “Don’t you want a happily ever after too, Cannon?”

Though his eyes sparked with heat as he contemplated her, he answered with a grumpy, “No. I prefer to die alone and miserable, thank you very much. Don’t you dare try to fucking hook me up with anyone, real or fake.”

“That’s it,” Izzy smarted back gleefully, rising up onto her toes to get closer to his face and making him veer back even more. “I’m going to go get started on your story right now.” Then she turned away and sassily flounced off, right out the front door without saying goodbye to any of us.

Cannon watched her go before whirling toward Wick and pointing after her. “You need to do something about that sister of yours.”

Wick only chuckled and shook his head. “If I ever had any control over Iz, she certainly wouldn’t have had the nerve to write a freaking story about me and share it with the entire world.”

Cannon snorted. “Now I know where all the balls in your family went.” And he stormed away as well, leaving Wick and me alone in the apartment.

The noise must’ve woken Bingley from her nap because she poked her head into the front room as if to see what was going on. Wick picked her up and set her on the couch between us, so she could toddle back and forth from my lap and his, making sure both of us gave her love and attention when she came to visit.

“Well.” Wick drew out a long breath. “What’re we supposed to do now? The world knows our secret identities.”

“How about this,” I offered with a smoky grin as I took his hand and drew it to my mouth so I could kiss the pads of his fingers one at a time. “How about we forget about the rest of the world and just live happily ever after together, anyway, no matter what they say?”

Pale blue eyes glittered with heat as Wick leaned toward me. “I like that idea.”

“I like you,” I countered, grasping the front of his shirt so I could drag him in for a long, wet kiss.

We never really broke apart. We just kept moving closer, touching more, kissing more, and tugging at each other’s clothes.

“I more than like you,” he teased huskily, unbuttoning my blouse enough to slip the cloth off one shoulder and reveal the strap of my bra.

As he leaned in to kiss his way along every inch of skin he exposed, I clutched his head in my hands, my fingers grazing gently over the once-bald spot that was now growing in with a thick mound of stubble.

“Well, I love you,” I shot back, not about to be bested in our wordplay.

Wick immediately paused, however, his warm breath washing over my bare shoulder. Then he pulled back slowly and looked at me, his eyes glazed with shock.