“We, uh…” My brain went blank.

“We shared a class together,” Annabeth explained. “What…?” She glanced at me as if trying to remember. “Freshman year?”

“Sophomore,” I corrected quietly.

“That’s right.” Turning away and dismissing me completely, she sent Haven a pleading expression. “Anyway, can I talk to you?”

Haven lifted her eyebrows as if surprised by the request. Then she sniffed. “No.”

Spinning away, she stormed off, leaving both me and Annabeth behind.

Annabeth glanced at me helplessly as if she wanted me to intercede and back her up. I shook my head, not even entertaining the idea. What she’d done to Haven was inexcusable.

“But, Haven,” she cried, racing after my girl. “I wanted to explain.”

Haven lifted a hand, cutting her off as she kept marching away. “No, really. I don’t need an explanation.”

“But I… I didn’t mean for it to happen,” Annabeth cried. “I didn’t… I liked you, Haven. I never meant to hurt you.”

Jerking to a halt, Haven spun to glare at her. “Well, you did. You hurt me deeply.”

“I know,” Annabeth sobbed, her eyes filling with tears. “And I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. It’s just… He’d never even paid attention to me before that night, and then suddenly, he was complimenting me and smiling, and the next thing I knew—”

“Look, I get the picture,” Haven growled. “I saw exactly how it ended. I honestly don’t care how it began.”


“You fucked my boyfriend on my couch, Annabeth,” Haven lashed back. “How did you think I was going to react?”

“That’s just it.” Annabeth wiped at her cheeks. “I didn’t think. I just—”

“You want a pardon? Fine. I forgive you. Now get out of my face.” Grabbing my hand and jerking me along behind her, Haven took off again.

“At least you moved up,” Annabeth called after us. “Wick’s actually a good guy. You might not have left Topher and met him if it weren’t for what I did. You’d still be with an asshole.”

Haven paused and whipped one last glance behind her. “Well, thank you for that,” she agreed. “Just try to keep your grubby hands off this boyfriend, will you?”

As we took off again, Annabeth finally let us go. I glanced back at her, and she waved at me dolefully. I twisted forward again, my heart racing and my breathing picking up.

“HayHay,” I said uneasily.

“I’m fine,” she growled. Then she looked up at me and her expression softened. “I just don’t want to talk about it, if that’s okay.”

I nodded.

We didn’t say anything else the rest of the way home. But sooner, rather than later, I was going to have to tell her. Everything.



Wick didn’t try to seduce me when we reached the apartment. He must’ve sensed I was no longer in the mood. When I mumbled something about starting a stew for supper, he let me retreat without following me.

It took about five minutes of me banging around the kitchen, dragging every vegetable I could find onto the countertops, and lining them up by size, then color, before I realized Wick had left me alone. He didn’t leave me alone when I was upset. He lingered on the fringes, watching me like a hawk, always alert and ready to step in if he was needed.

Why the hell had he left me alone?

Something was wrong. Oh Lord, what if removing his stitches had hurt him? Dropping the carrots I was trying to wedge between the celery and red peppers, I turned and hurried from the kitchen.