Cupping his face in my hands, I said, “I know exactly how. By just moving on and being happy. Happiness will be our greatest revenge. He’ll hate it. It’ll eat him alive. And we’ll just carry on together, forgetting he ever existed, just living happily ever after. In fact, I think I’m forgetting about him right now.”

Wick sounded amused when he murmured, “Wait. Who were we talking about, again?”

“Exactly.” I grinned and eased my mouth against his.

A hiss of surprise escaped him. He didn’t fight it, though, so I kissed him again, just as lightly and quickly as the first peck. This time, he kissed me back, his lips clinging to mine until a small suction sound ricocheted between us when I pulled away.

His breath quickened. I heard him swallow.

Curious what would happen if I went further, I set my mouth back to his and didn’t pull away.

Damn. His lips were so freaking soft, like warm marshmallows just beginning to dissolve in a cup of hot chocolate.

Oh yeah, there was definitely some melting going on here. From me.

I found myself darting out a tongue to taste him. Wick groaned and shifted against me, deepening things by gripping my hair and tipping my head back for deeper access. When he opened his mouth, I did the same, slipping out my tongue and hungry to devour this man I was growing to care for more than I thought was possible. The contact was like liquid lightning with an instant flare of heat that arced between us, causing me to gasp and strain forward, heaving my aching chest against his to seek relief.

My bare toes curled tight under the covers. I rubbed them up and down his legs, humming over how taut his muscled calves were. An intense tingling spread up the insides of my thighs. When it sparked between my legs, I jerked in surprise, and my fingernails dug into the meat of his shoulders.

He growled his pleasure. Our tongues fused as our hands turned greedy and urgent. When he gripped my ass, hauling me up against his erection, I ground back boldly and found my way under his shirt to feel the smooth, warm sculpted slopes of his abs and chest. Purring when I got my wish, I gently scraped my fingernails over the impressive muscles I encountered.

“Fucking hell,” he breathed, breaking the kiss so he could throw his head back and hiss out his pleasure before he spiked harder against me. “I can’t seem to stop.”

“You better not,” I demanded, catching his face between my hands and dragging his mouth back to mine.

Turning savage and primal, he kissed me with an insistence that left me breathless and sucking in air.

“Too many clothes,” I panted, tugging at his shirt and fumbling to pull it up over his head. He took over, shredding his shirt and then peeling off his pants until he was in nothing but boxer briefs.

“You too,” he rasped, reaching for my shirt. Once it was gone and he realized I wasn’t wearing a bra, he forgot about my pants and cupped my breasts reverently.

“Boobs,” he murmured, the amusement and awe in his voice causing me to laugh.


“Finally, you get to see them,” I cheered softly.

“Except it’s too damn dark in here. I can’t actually see them yet.” He abandoned me a moment by turning to fumble around my nightstand. I sat up to watch him search in the dark. “Where’s a damn lamp?” he muttered until he found it and clicked the light on with a grateful sigh. Then he turned back, grinning big as he proudly reported, “Now…”

He lowered his gaze to my chest, only to freeze, gaping at me. “Jesus,” he choked out. “You’re so…”

When words failed him, I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to duck my face in bashful embarrassment, or throw my shoulders back and preen, showing off everything that rendered him speechless.

Teasing, I tried to finish his sentence for him by guessing, “Hideous, right?”

He shook his head slowly back and forth, only to playfully agree, “So hideous.” All the while, he was unable to take his gaze away from me. “It’s hard to even look at such hideousness. I’ll probably have to cover them with my hands in order to hide so much repulsive horror from my poor, innocent eyes.”

When he began to reach out, I laughed over his corny joke.

He grinned back, lifting his gaze to mine, only to flinch before shifting his trajectory and drifting his fingers up over my sore cheek instead, where there was probably a bruise forming.

“Damn, Haven. Are you sure about this? You’ve had a rough night. Your brain is spinning. You might not be thinking clearly.”

Grasping his wrist to draw his fingers down from my bruise to my lips, I kissed his cut knuckles tenderly. “My brain may be spinning,” I allowed, “but I know what I want. And I want you right now, more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

“Wow.” His eyes glazed as his body shuddered as he took those words in, looking overcome by my admission. But he still managed to say, “You sure?” as a dubious expression crossed his features.

I lowered his hand even more to one of my breasts. Holding his fingers there, I confessed, “Sex has never felt…right to me. It’s always been as if I was doing something I didn’t really, deep inside myself, want to do, and no matter how much I tried to ignore that voice that said something was off, I couldn’t get it to shut up. I would just keep doing it, anyway, because I didn’t want to admit that I might really be deficient in bed. But all the while, I was still convinced I was broken, so I continued along, pretending all was fine.”