“I’m going to leave the bra I’m wearing now,” I explained as I reached behind me, under my shirt, and unsnapped the back clasp.

When I started to remove it through the sleeves of my shirt, Wick’s mouth fell open.

“Uh… Okay. Wow. That’s impressive.”

I grinned and winked at him. “Can’t get your woman card until you can successfully remove your bra without taking your shirt off first,” I answered, tugging the last of my undergarment free just as the door to the room came open.

And Topher stepped inside.

Ah, fuck.

Standing there next to Wick with my bra still dangling from my hand, I froze like a deer in the headlights.

Topher started to pull a giggling girl in after him—Sloan, I realized when I focused on her—only to jerk to a halt and blink dumbfounded when he found Wick and me already occupying the space.

“Motherfucker,” he hissed as his gaze moved from me to Wick, then the bra in my hand, and finally over to the bed where he caught sight of the condom mess.

With a growl, he shoved Sloan from the room behind him so he could block the doorway with his own body, trapping Wick and me inside. Then he bellowed, “O-line!” as loud as he could down the hall.

Dammit, that was his distress call to his boys. Backup would be here in seconds.

I glanced toward Wick, and he met my gaze before immediately snagging my hand and yanking me toward him until I was plastered against his side. When I saw sweat bead and drip down his temple, that’s when I panicked, realizing he was worried.


This was not going to end well.

“Topher,” I started calmly, trying to sound reasonable and hoping to talk my way out of this.

But he pointed at me. “You. Shut the fuck up.”

“Hey.” Wick lifted his hand. His voice was hard but also calm. “Just step aside now and let us out. No one has to get hurt.”

“Oh, someone’s getting hurt,” Topher answered on a bitter laugh, his gaze raking meaningfully over Wick, then me. “You two fucked in here expressly to get at me. So someone’s getting real hurt.”

“No.” I stepped in front of Wick. “This was all my fault. Just leave Wick—”

“Don’t worry. I’ll deal with you in a bit, you fucking cunt.”

“That’s it.” Gripping my hand tight, Wick started toward the exit, done asking Topher to move. “We’re leaving.”

Once he reached the doorway, he just kept going, plowing forward and pushing on Topher’s chest, making him stumble backward into the hall.

“Go,” he told me, still holding on to Topher’s shirtfront even as he let go of my hand so I could escape.

But no way was I going to leave him behind, not that I would’ve been able to get far on my own, anyway.

Backup had arrived, storming forward to assist the devil and blocking my path in the process.

“Get him off me,” Topher commanded, and three guys immediately clamped hold of Wick before dragging him back into Topher’s room.

“No! Let him go,” I cried, moving forward to help, but Topher snagged my arm, gripping me so hard I gasped in pain.

“Make him bleed,” he told the others. “And don’t quit until he stops moving.”

As Topher’s friends followed his orders, I struggled to break free. “No! Dammit. Leave him alone.” Spinning toward Topher, I pounded on his chest. “Make them stop.”

When he refused to listen or react, I grabbed the beer I’d set down by the entrance and heaved liquid in his face.