“Then,” she went on, talking over me. “I went to the registrar’s office because I knew Cason’s mom worked there.”

“Oh shit.” My stomach dropped, already fearing the worst of where this story was headed. “You didn’t.”

“Yes,” she countered with a bitter smile. “Oh, yes. I totally confronted her.”

I pressed a fisted hand against my mouth, a little awed that she had the guts to do such a thing, but also worried as hell over how it had gone down. Bracing to hear the worst, I asked, “What happened?”

Haven heaved out a breath, causing her shoulders to lift and fall before she reported, “Surprisingly, I remained calm throughout the entire encounter, even though she could tell exactly how upset I was. I told her about what Jaymi had said to me and that her name hadn’t been mentioned at all, but it hadn’t been hard for me to figure out who she’d been talking about since Cason had been the only kid absent today. Then I showed her the results of my tests, explained how I’d only gotten them taken because Topher had been the cheater, and then I subtly lectured her on the destructive trouble of fake news and listening to plus believing gossip without finding out the facts first.”

“Wow,” I uttered, my mouth falling open as I shook my head slowly. “That was…wow. You are so badass. How did she respond?”

Haven lifted a shoulder. “She apologized and said Cason could come back.”

Repeating, “Wow,” I kept shaking my head before I added, “Can I be you when I grow up?”

Bubbling out a watery laugh, she wiped the back of her hand under her eyes and shook her head. “I swear, my hands are still shaking from all of it. I was so freaking mad. But I’m glad I did it. I’m glad I talked to her.”

“Yeah.” I nodded, my hero worship for this girl spiking off the charts.

“Everything would’ve been fine and dandy after that,” she went on, gritting her teeth as an abundance of tears filled her eyes. Pressing her lips together, she shook her head adamantly. “But then I heard about Topher’s big, stupid Halloween party. And it just… I snapped. It hit me so hard. Not because I felt left out or actually wanted to go or anything. But I was like, no. No fucking way is he going to get away with moving on, and throwing parties, and having a grand ol’ spiffy time after what he did to me. He put my entire future career at risk, Wick. That fucker doesn’t deserve a happy ending, so… So I’m going over there tonight and I’m leaving my stupid bra that he gave me along with a fake used condom in his room so he’ll think I moved on and had sex on his bed with someone else. And he’s going to feel my goddamn wrath. He’s going to see up close and personal just how much I loathe him, how much he messed up.”

I’d been following her logic right up until she got to the part about the condom, and the bra, and Nicholl’s bed. “Wait.” I lifted a hand and shook my head. “You’re going to do what?”

“I’m taking the plan Charlie mentioned this weekend, and I’m getting my sweet revenge on that worthless fucking bastard.”

“But Charlie is sixteen years old,” I argued. “She doesn’t have good plans. I really don’t think you should go this route, Haven. I—”

But she was already talking over me as she dipped a spoon into one of her bowls to test the consistency of the liquid.

“Well, it’s the only plan I have right now, and I’m too pissed to think of another, so it’ll have to do. The only time Topher’s lost his cool after our split was when he thought I’d moved on and slept with someone else. Granted, he always assumed that someone else was you, but whatever, the who shouldn’t matter in this situation when he sees what I leave behind for him.” Frowning at all her experiments, she shook her head with a disappointed sniff. “Now, if only I could make some semen that actually looked like freaking semen.”

When Bingley pounced my way to attack my shoelaces, I picked her up and petted her fur sympathetically, because clearly, her human mama had lost her damn mind.

“So you’ve tho

ught this through completely, right?” I managed to ask Haven.

“What do you mean?” She shook her head distractedly and mumbled under her breath about adding detergent to the glue and water mixture. “Maybe really runny slime will make it more cum-like.”

I sighed. She seemed extremely determined to proceed with her mission.

“It’s just… What do you plan to accomplish from all this?’

She looked up at last, giving me her full attention, only to repeat, “What do you mean?”

“I mean, let’s say you actually sneak into his room without getting caught—which is already unlikely—and then you get away—also undetected—and he finds your little surprise just as you plan for him to. Then what? You think he’s going to suddenly see the error of his ways and realize that everything he ever did to you was wrong, and he’s going to apologize or something? Think about this, Haven. This way is not a peaceful solution. He’ll just strike right back at you.”

“I don’t care,” she growled, her eyes flaming. “And I don’t want peace. I just want to hurt him.”

“Except Topher Nicholl doesn’t get hurt,” I countered. “He gets even. And he’s going to think he has all the right in the world to hit back even harder if you do this. You’re starting a war.”

“I didn’t start anything,” she snapped. “He did. And he should not get away with trampling anyone who gets in his way whenever he pleases. It’s not right. He should have some consequences to his actions, dammit.”

I sighed, feeling defeated because she was absolutely right. Someone needed to teach the prick a lesson. Put him in his place so that he’d think twice before ever being a dick again. But I didn’t want that person to be Haven. It was too dangerous, and besides, I was almost certain her plan was the worst one ever invented. It wouldn’t teach Nicholl a damn thing.

Walking toward her, I held out Bingley for her to hold. She accepted the kitten immediately and brought the furball up to her face. When Bingley licked at a tear trailing down her face, she closed her eyes and sniffed.

“I know you’re angry,” I said softly. “I know you’re lost. I know everything feels dark. But fighting that with more darkness, anger, and fear isn’t going to defeat it. Only love, light, and hope will.”