“You two are weird.” Charlie shook her head and turned around to start back down the hall, away from us. “Now hurry your weird asses up. I’m hungry.”

“Is she ever not hungry?” I asked.

Wick sighed. “Rarely.”

God, I liked him. Grinning uncontrollably, I pecked a quick kiss to his cheek and popped up off him. “Then we better get in there before she eats everything.”

But Wick winced and bent up his knee, pulling my unicorn blanket fully over his lap. “Um, I’ll be there in a few.”

“Poor you,” I said, offering him a sympathetic face. Figuring out how to hide an erection from his sisters must suck ass. But since I’d been the one to cause it, I knew sticking around him now probably wouldn’t help him get rid of it, so I blew him a kiss, wishing him luck. “See you in a few.” And I hurried toward the kitchen.

Darcy, Izzy, and Charlie were already stuffing their faces. Since the small table sat with one side pushed against a wall, it only seated three, which meant there would be no room for me or Wick.

The sisters glanced up and immediately lifted their eyebrows as I slowed to a more respectable pace when I entered.

“Morning. Sleep well?” Darcy taunted with a knowing grin.

Izzy and Charlie snickered in unison.

“Very well, thanks,” I replied with as much dignity as I could muster. Lifting my chin, I moved toward the counter where they had a pile of waffles left for me and Wick to eat. I filled my plate and buttered my waffles before drowning them in syrup.

Since no one offered to make room for me at the table, I hopped up onto an open space of countertop a ways down the cabinets, set my plate on my lap, and began to eat just as heartily as the rest of them.

I was swinging my feet merrily and halfway through my breakfast before Wick finally entered, changed into new clothes and no longer wearing the shirt from last night. But, mmm, he was in those glasses again.

So hot.

Pausing in the doorway, he frowned at the food.

“Did you make my special waffles?” He nailed his older sister with a glare. “Only I’m supposed to know how to make those?”

“Oh, please,” Darcy said dryly. “You use a mix.”

“Yeah, but—”

“We didn’t want to wake you,” Izzy spoke up before glancing my way. “You two looked so cute curled up on the couch, sleeping together.”

Wick met my gaze and cringed guiltily.

I just smiled and patted the last bit of cleared countertop next to me. “Saved you a spot,” I offered.

He nodded with a pleased smile and hopped up beside me after getting himself some waffles. We

sat hip-to-hip and kept glancing at each other every few seconds, completely ignoring whatever conversation his sisters were having at the table.

“So your next playoff game is a week from today, right?” I asked.

He nodded and swallowed a bite before answering. “Yeah. That one will be for regional championships. Then to semifinals. And the big national championships game is after that… If we make it that far.”

“Think you guys have a chance?”

He shrugged. “Yeah. Sure.”

“But only if Wick can keep himself from getting suspended from every game,” Darcy teased.

Wick didn’t answer. He glanced toward me, only to smile. “You still have spook house gunk in your hair.”

As he reached out to pick it free, I rolled my eyes. “Hey, I was trying to save that as a keepsake?”