We all glanced at the passed-out boy on the couch.

“I don’t know,” Charlie murmured thoughtfully, studying him. “Just because he’s never brought home a girl to meet Mom and Dad doesn’t mean he doesn’t get around. He’s a big football star, and not ugly. I bet he’s had plenty of opportunities to score.”

Something oddly painful and sharp sliced through my stomach at the very thought. I didn’t like the idea of Wick with other women. Especially a lot of other women.

Next to me, Darcy said, “Well, only Izzy can answer that for sure.”

We all glanced toward Izzy, who flushed and sank away from us, her eyes wide like a frightened, cornered animal. “Don’t look at me like that,” she begged.

I shook my head, confused. “Why would only Izzy know Wick’s history with girls?”

“You want to tell her, or should I?” Darcy asked her middle sister archly.

“Izzy reads all his emails and text messages,” Charlie announced cheerfully.

“Shh,” Izzy hissed, slapping Charlie in the gut to shut her up. “What if he’s playing opossum?”

We all glanced at Wick. He hadn’t moved a muscle.

“I don’t think he’s playing opossum,” Charlie whispered.

I whirled back to Izzy, my curiosity taking over.

“How do you read all his messages?”

She flushed, looking distinctly guilty. “When he went off to college, Mom and Dad got him a new tablet, so he gave his old one to me, but he never wiped his email or messages off it, so…” She flushed guiltily. “I can’t seem to help it. They just pop up on my notifications.”

“Whoa,” I murmured, shaking my head in awe. “And you never removed them for him?”

Darcy snorted. “Why would she do that when she can get all the juicy inside information on what he’s been up to? The only problem is Izzy’s all protective and respectful of his privacy. She might have no problem snooping on him herself, but she never tells us any of the good stuff. And, oh, I know she must get plenty.”

“Because I just feel so bad,” Izzy started, wringing her hands.

“And he’s never figured it out?” I asked, aghast.

“Nope. Never.”

“So, do you know how many girls he’s had sex with or not?” Charlie charged.

When Izzy sent her a look that seemed to say don’t ask me that, her teen sister screeched in outrage.

“Oh my God, you do! And you’re holding out on us? What the hell? I went into detail with you about that time Scott McCall and I made out in the library. How could you clamp up on me now?”

“Okay, fine,” Izzy mumbled, rolling her eyes. She glanced quickly toward me, then spun back to Darcy and Charlie. “He lost his virginity his sophomore year.”

“Of high school?” Darcy and Charlie asked together, their eyes wide with curiosity.

“No.” Izzy frowned. “College.”

“Really?” Darcy pulled back in surprise and eyed the sleeping Wick. “Wow. I wouldn’t have thought he’d hold out that long.”

Yeah, I wouldn’t have either. I eyed him with a new light, as well, feeling strange that I’d lost my virginity before he had.

Though it was super weird to hear about his sex life, and even more unsettling to think about him with someone else, I was in the same boat as Charlie and Darcy. I wanted to know everything.

“And since then?” Charlie prodded.

Izzy sighed as she gave in and spilled all. “Honestly, I only know about one other. Either he doesn’t even kiss and tell things to his best friend, or that’s the only other woman he’s been with. It lasted for a couple of months last year. He’d meet with her every so often. I think she was older, out of college. Their messages to each other were pretty brief, but straight to the point.” She lifted her eyebrows tellingly. “If you know what I mean.”