“What?” he asked, noticing my disappointed expression.

“That’s what you’re getting?” I set my hands on my hips. “Really?”

He glanced at the drink, frowning in confusion. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Nothing. If it’s what you really want.” Taking it from his hand, I stepped close, right up into his personal space, which made him suck in a breath and focus on me intently.

“So…” I held the bottle up, waving it slowly back and forth in an almost seductive manner. “Is this what you really want, Wickham?”

Ignoring the drink, his gaze roved over me steamily before he focused on my bottom lip that I’d unconsciously sucked between my teeth.

In a low, raspy voice, he said, “Sorry, I think I forgot the question.”

Enjoying myself a little too much, I shifted even closer and ran my finger over the letter V on the word nervous that was stretched taut across his chest. “The drink,” I repeated softly. “Do you want the drink?”

“No,” he breathed, appearing fascinated with my mouth. “That fucking drink might just be the last thing I want.”

I smiled. “Then you’re not getting it.” Stepping back to put more space between us, I returned to all-business and opened the door to put the bottle back.

He shook his head slowly. “But you know I usually try to watch what I intake during the season.”

I nodded. “Yeah, except tonight feels like a special night for you and your sisters.”

“It is,” he admitted.

“So, splurge. Just this one night.” Leaning in, I whispered scandalously, “Be a little bit bad.”

He shivered and drew in a breath before pulling back to look at my face. Then a smile quirked his lips. “Damn, you’re good at that.” And he opened another door to pull out a Mountain Dew.

I nodded my approval. “Much better.”

He ended up with a Snickers bar, a package of Slim Jims, and a box of Mike and Ikes to go with his disreputable drink.

As we approached the counter together to pay, Izzy screeched, “Charlie!” from the other side of the convenience store. “You didn’t!”

We glanced over just in time to see the teenager pausing guiltily with a half-eaten burrito in her mouth. Next to me, Wick groaned and briefly closed his eyes.

“What?” Charlie muffled out between bites. “I already paid for it.”

“No more,” Darcy demanded, storming over to yank it from her hand and toss the remaining portion in a nearby trash can. “I seriously can’t with you right now. If it weren’t too late to turn around and take you home, I would totally make you stay at Wick’s while the rest of us went spook housing.”

“Oh, come on. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“What is the big deal?” I asked Wick.

He just sighed without answering and handed the clerk some cash to pay for both his and my snacks.

“Oh, you didn’t have to—” I started, only to be cut off by the girl behind the counter as she grinned engagingly at him.

“I like the pigtails, by the way. They’re so cute.”

“And here I was going for adorable,” Wick quipped back, glancing at me, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

The clerk giggled in reply, though, causing him to slice her with a surprised look, as if he couldn’t understand why she would find that amusing. I bit my lip, thinking that had to be the most attractive thi

ng about Wick; he had no idea he was gorgeous, that girls couldn’t help but fawn and twitter over him.

“Here’s your change. Have a nice night out with your sisters,” she said, fluttering her lashes as she handed a pile of coins back.