Izzy and Charlie leaned toward me simultaneously and joined in. “No, no.”

“I get a good feeling,” Flo Rida added.

And right on cue, Wick couldn’t seem to contain himself either. He pointed at Darcy, shouting, “Yeah.”

My jaw fell open because, Oh…my God, Wick was singing to a song on the radio.

All the sisters screamed in delight, Darcy cranked the volume to the max, and just like that, everyone in the truck began to sing along, me included. We bounced in our seats and bobbed our heads to the beat. We didn’t care that absolutely none of us could carry a tune; besides, we could barely hear each other over the thumping music, anyway.

When the last line came, Izzy and I leaned our backs to each other to strike a pose, and then laughed together over our silliness.

“Holy wow,” I started, unable to stop laughing. “That was—”

But the word, “Awesome” was drowned out by Charlie’s scream of exhilaration as the next song came on.

So, we all sang to Imagine Dragon’s “Thunder,” then R.E.M.’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know It,” “Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)” by Big & Rich, AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long,” Lil Nas X with some “Old Town Road,” and “Jump Around” by House of Pain.

I slumped back in the seat, exhausted when a slow song finally began after that.

“This song blows,” Izzy announced, wrinkling her nose. “What’s next?”

“Let me check.” As Darcy picked up her phone from the center console and started scrolling, I became a little entranced with watching Wick’s fingers drum rhythmically to the tune. He had really nice hands, all strong and capable and male. Seeing them do something almost gentle like that made them seem incredibly erotic.

I grew a little too obsessed with watching them that I nearly jumped out of my skin when Charlie suddenly shrieked next to me, pounding on the back of his seat. “Ooh, ooh!” she cried. “Gas station. Let’s snack-break.”

“How about we wait until we’re closer to the spook house,” Darcy suggested.

But then Izzy spoke up, “Except I gotta pee.”

“Oh Jesus,” Wick grumbled, slowing down and turning on his signal before pulling into the convenience store’s parking lot.

As soon as he parked, he twisted in his seat to point at Charlie. “No burritos.”

“Whatever.” Charlie rolled her eyes. “Relax. I’ll be fine.”

But Izzy and Darcy chorused back, “No burritos.”

The youngest Webster glanced at me dryly as if commiserating. “They’re so paranoid.”

I shrugged, totally clueless as to why she wasn’t allowed to have a burrito and offered her a sympathetic wince. Then I slid from the truck through Izzy’s side because she’d left her door open to race into the gas station in search of a bathroom.

Charlie followed me since Wick was taking his time, gathering his wallet, phone, and keys.

“So, do you scare easily?” she asked conversationally as we made our way to the lighted front entrance.

“I don’t watch a lot of scary movies, so yeah, probably,” I concurred.

The teen nodded. “Sweet. This should be a kickass night, then.” And she darted ahead of me to hurry inside. By the time I opened the door and glanced in, Charlie was already at the pizza station and Darcy was browsing the second food aisle with her arms heaped with chips, candy bars, and bags of junk food.

I glanced back toward Wick. He’d almost caught up, so I waited, holding the door for him. When he realized what I was doing, he blinked and faltered a step.

“Thanks.” He grasped the door just above me so I could let go of it and continue ahead of him.

Charlie was tapping her chin and studying the pizza selection while Darcy had paused at the slushy machine, so I went to the coolers, opened a door, and pulled out a cherry Dr. Pepper. After finding some Twizzlers, a Whatchamacallit, and Funyuns, I spotted Wick at the coolers as well, picking out a low-carb health drink.

Shaking my head sadly, I tossed my food on the counter to pay for it in a bit and wandered toward him, sighing. He always ate healthy stuff, never slipped.

It just wasn’t right.