Haven lingered beside me, her eyes glittering with amusement, even as she shook her head sympathetically. “You sure you don’t want to change our straws back?” she asked kindly. “I wouldn’t look quite so…out of place in pigtails.”

I sighed. It was incredibly sweet that she was willing to take my misery onto herself, but… “It’s too late. There’s no way they’d let me get out of it now.”

She stepped closer, letting out a delighted yet husky laugh as she reached up to play with one of my short, stubby tails. “If it’s any consolation, you look absolutely adorable in them.”

I nodded. “Awesome. I’ve finally reached the aspired goal, then. Adorable.”

She laughed again, shifting even closer as she toyed with the second pigtail. Heat raced up my spine. “They’re addictively fun to touch.”

Then don’t ever stop, I wanted to beg because I was addictively obsessed with her attention right now. She could do whatever she wanted to me.

God, she smelled good. I leaned my head down without realizing it, letting her play to her heart’s content while I breathed her in as deeply as I could.

“Hey, thanks for letting me tag along tonight,” she murmured, her voice igniting my system with a delighted shiver.

Keeping my head bowed, I lifted my eyes her way. “I’m not sure how this surrogate sister thing is going to work, though,” I had to admit before I could stop myself. “Because I don’t feel very brotherly toward you, especially at the moment.”

Her lips parted as her gaze met mine. Eyes filling with curiosity, she dr

ew in a long breath as her fingers in my pigtail slowed. The air between us grew charged and electric. Haven eased closer and opened her mouth to say something, only for Charlie to yell at us from outside, her insistent voice carrying in through the open doorway.

“Hey, slowpokes. Hurry your asses up. I’m turning old and gray out here.”

With a gasp, Haven released my hair and took a step back. Suddenly unable to look me in the eye, she cleared her throat and said, “We better go,” before she turned and hurried outside.

I blew out an unsettled breath.

Shit. That had been—

I wasn’t even sure how to aptly describe how intense that had been.

Stalling a moment to cool my jets, I readjusted my jeans before I followed her outside.

This might turn out to be one very long, painful night if she kept on in such a sweet and soft vein. God, I hoped it was. It would be the best torture ever.

All the girls were already in the vehicle waiting for me as I climbed behind the wheel. Noticing the seating arrangement, I scowled into the back at my two younger sisters.

“Really?” I said, shaking my head in disappointment. “You two are going to stick Haven with the worst seat in the entire truck on her first trip with us? That’s nice. Real hospitable.”

Charlie sent me a scowl. “Hey, she should’ve spoken up sooner if she wanted a window or shotgun spot.”

“She’s an only child,” I argued. “I doubt she had any clue she even had to fight for a good place.”

“It’s okay,” Haven said, shrugging as if she wanted to avoid causing an argument. “I really don’t mind sitting here.”

Which meant I only wanted to argue her case for her even more.

Charlie stuck her tongue out at me. “See. She doesn’t mind.”

To which Haven repeated, “I don’t mind at all.”

I sighed and started the truck. “Fine. I’m shutting up then. Where’re we headed?”

“I’m on it,” Charlie announced, pulling up her phone.

Darcy used to decide our destination, but then we hit a bad house once, and everyone complained to the point that she refused to pick the spook houses these days. So now, we chose a place on the fly.

“Ooh, did you get a new phone case?” Izzy noticed, leaning across Haven to check out the black case with sparkling gold swirls on it. “It’s so cute.”