I started to turn away and head toward my room, but Charlie yelped, “Hey. Where’re you going?”

I glanced at her with a scowl. “I’m going to my room to put this damn shirt on. Where do you think I’m going?”

“Wow.” Izzy rolled her eyes dryly. “You have to leave the room to change a shirt? What shy, innocent modesty you have, bro. And here I still remember taking a bath with you when we were little.”

I lifted my eyebrows meaningfully, trying to get her to shut up, only for Darcy to taunt, “Wait. You’re not too nervous to change in front of Haven, are you?”

That’s it; I was going to strangle all three of them.

“You guys are such a pain in the ass.” Grumbling, I defiantly ripped my shirt off, only for Charlie to shriek.

“Oh my God! I can’t believe you’re undressing in front of Haven.”

I paused, slicing her with a death glare, while everyone else roared with laughter, having way too much fun teasing me. Haven seemed to think it was funny as well, even though I noticed her checking me out curiously. Heat rippled along my skin at her interest, which felt all wrong to be experiencing in front of Darcy, Iz, and Charlie.

Shaking my head, I mumbled, “Pains in the freaking ass.” But when I tried to pull the shirt on, it got caught at my shoulders, nearly strangling me. “Holy shit, did you get it small enough? Wow, Darce, really?”

“I didn’t know who’d end up with it,” Darcy argued, scowling right back. “I didn’t want it to be too big if Iz, Charlie, or I had to wear it. And besides, what’re you whining about, ya big baby? You wear your shirts like a second skin, anyway.”

When Izzy and Charlie snickered, I frowned even harder and jerked the shirt into place, hearing a bit of fabric rip in the process. “Lay off. I can’t help it that I’ve put on some weight since freshman year.” It was all muscle because I’d thrown myself into working out and getting into shape, but still… None of my old clothes fit right anymore because of it.

Which was humiliating to admit in front of Haven.

See, this right here was the main reason I’d been worried about her coming. My sisters had no qualms whatsoever about beating me down to size.

“And what… It never occurred to you to go shopping for more?” Darcy prodded dryly.

“I hate shopping,” I grumped as I tugged the shirt down yet again when it tried to ride back up over my abdomen, only for everyone else to read what it said and crack up laughing.

With a sigh, I glanced toward Haven since I didn’t feel like addressing any of my sisters at the moment. “Do I even want to know what it says?”

Trying to contain her laughter, she covered her mouth with her hands and answered, “It says, single and ready to get nervous around anyone I find attractive.”

I shot Darcy a glower.

She smirked. “There’s still more in the bag, bubby.”

I shook my head. “No, there’s not,” I argued even as I stuffed my hand back into the sack and felt small, cloth-like balls of something. I pulled them out, only to glance at the women. “What the fuck are these?”

“Scrunchies,” Charlie announced. “Ooh, can I put them in your hair?”

I turned to my oldest sister. “I don’t have enough damn hair for ponytails.”

“Yes, you do,” Charlie argued, grabbing the scrunchies from my hand. “Here. Sit. I’ll show you.”

I sat, scowling the entire time that Izzy and Charlie crowded around me, cheerfully yanking and pulling until they had me in pigtails.

Fucking pigtails.

“This is so not amusing,” I announced, standing up and glaring at every person in the room because they were all rolling in uncontrollable laughter.

“Best year yet,” Darcy decided before clapping her hands together. “Okay, then. Who’s driving?”

“Wick,” Izzy and Charlie chorused together.

“Hey!” Darcy scowled, clearly insulted. “What’s wrong with my driving?”

“Nothing, but Wick lets us actually eat in his truck.” Then they took off, racing toward the door, only for Darcy to shout after them, “Well, then I call shotgun.”