“Yeah,” Darcy said slowly as if I was too impaired to understand fast words. “Because there are five of us here.”

I blinked at her before shaking my head. “No.” No way in hell. “You’re not making Haven draw.”

“Why not?” Haven asked, her mouth puckering as if she felt hurt for being excluded.

“Yeah, why not?” Charlie echoed.

I shot Charlie a scowl before turning to the other two. “She’s our guest. She shouldn’t be forced to do this if she doesn’t want to.”

“I don’t mind,” Haven spoke up hopefully, like she was actually a little excited to be included in the yearly humiliation fest.

But she was too innocent to know better.

I had to protect her.

“See, she doesn’t mind,” Izzy said, pointing to an insistently nodding Haven.


I sighed and accused Izzy, “You only want her to draw because that gives you less of a chance of losing.”

“Exactly,” Izzy answered with blunt honesty, blinking at me as if I was crazy. “So, let her draw a straw.”

Turning to Haven, I entreated, “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into. You could end up forced to wear underwear on your head like a hat the entire night.”

Lifting her nose, she shot back, “I’ll take my chances.”

“That’s the spirit,” Darcy cheered. “Here. You pick first, Haven.”

Haven lifted her chin defiantly my way and reached out.

Darcy grinned at me, nodding her approval. “I like this girl.”

I glowered back. Once Haven had her straw in hand, Izzy and Charlie took turns, then I went. As soon as we all had one, I held back, watching Haven’s palm as she opened her hand to compare with everyone else.

Dammit, I could tell it was the short straw immediately. Not about to let her go through a night of complete degradation, I jostled against her, trying to make it look like an accident as she dropped her straw.

“Shit, sorry,” I offered and bent down to pick it up for her.

As soon as I handed the longer one over, she sent me a funny, suspicious glance, knowing full well I’d switched them.

But I studiously ignored her and turned to compare my new straw with my sisters.

“Yes!” Izzy and Charlie cried in unison as they high-fived each other.

“Wick,” Darcy said with her eyebrows raised in surprise. “Looks like you’re the lucky winner.” She handed me a brown paper sack. “Suit up.”

Shit. Feeling vaguely ill as I accepted it, I chanted, “Please don’t be another onesie, please God don’t be another onesie.”

Drawing in a deep, bolstering lungful, I dug into the sack and pulled out…

A black T-shirt.

“A shirt,” Charlie shrieked in outrage. “I’ve had to wear fairy wings, a human banana outfit, and antlers on my head with a white tail on my butt. But Wick gets a freaking shirt? How is that even fair?”

“Just wait until you see what it says,” Darcy said with evil relish.

“Oh God,” I groaned, shaking my head and certain I was doomed. “I don’t even want to know.”