
I don’t know why I was suddenly so nervous. Haven had been living with me for weeks now. I’d grown accustomed to walking into a room and finding her there. The shock of seeing her in my home and among my things should’ve definitely worn off by now.

But ever since she’d caught me jerking off in the shower, it was hard for me to make direct eye contact with her. I’d avoided her pretty much most of the week, worried about what she thought of me now.

To learn she would be coming along on my sibling spook night, on top of all that, just… I don’t know. I wasn’t sure how she’d mesh with my sisters. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for her to see me in a different environment. I wasn’t… Hell, I wasn’t sure that I really wanted her to go. It just felt as if so many things could go wrong. And I didn’t want anything to go wrong.

Rushing through my preparation, I was tugging my shirt on as I raced back to the front room, almost afraid to leave her alone with my sisters for too long.

What if they did something to upset her? Fuck, what if she did something to upset them? I honestly wasn’t sure whose side I’d take if a fight broke out between them.

But no one was fighting. And Darcy had already taken over the night’s events, as she always did.

“Alright, time to draw straws,” she announced as soon as she saw me. “Come on, don’t be shy. Pick a straw, any straw.”

Izzy and Charlie groaned in unison. “Can’t we just skip that tradition this year?” Izzy begged.

“Oh, hell no,” Darcy said. “I got a good one this time.”

“I don’t know. Can anything top the adult onesie Iz had to wear last year,” I proclaimed, smirking as I approached.

Izzy glowered and bumped her arm petulantly into mine.

“I liked the onesie,” Charlie put in, frowning as if confused. “I still wear it as pajamas.” She glanced toward Haven, including her in the discussion, which charmed me and made me proud of my little sister for so openly accepting her. “They were Wonder Woman themed.”

Haven shook her head and admitted, “I’m so confused right now. What’s going on?”

“Okay, it’s like this,” Izzy explained. “Every year for our spook night, Darcy picks something completely ridiculous that one of us has to wear the entire night.”

“The year before last,” Charlie interjected. “I had to wear fairy wings with a unicorn headband.”

Haven cracked up. “That sounds awesome.”

“Oh, it’s hilarious,” I agreed dryly. “As long as you don’t draw the short straw.”

“I still don’t get why Darcy always gets to be the one who picks the outfit, though,” Izzy grumbled.

“Because I’m the oldest,” Darcy smarted back. “And why does it matter who chooses the clothes; we all have the same chance of getting picked.”

“Except you never seem to draw the short straw,” Charlie accused. “You and Wick both always get out of wearing anything crazy.”

When Darcy and I grinned at each other, confidingly, Izzy gasped and pointed. “What was that?” she demanded. “You guys totally just looked at each other as if you had a secret. Did you see that?” she asked Charlie.

“Yes,” Charlie said, slapping her hands to her hips before she charged. “You two cheat, don’t you?”

“No,” Darcy and I said together.

Izzy and Charlie exchanged incredulous glances. “They totally cheat,” Izzy grumped.

When Charlie bobbed her head in agreement, I rolled my eyes.

“We do not cheat. Come on. Let’s just get this over with so we can get on the road.”

“Said the guy who won’t have to wear anything stupid,” Izzy muttered moodily.

“Alright, enough fighting. It’s straw time.” Darcy flashed out her hand, fanning the straws like a person holding a deck of playing cards. “Everyone, just take a damn straw.”

“Wait,” I cut in, frowning at the straws. “You have five.”