Expecting it to be Wick, home from practice, I blinked when I heard a female voice instead; one chattering away a mile a minute.

Oh no, I suddenly realized, my heart dropping into my stomach. Wick didn’t expect me to be here. What if he’d brought a girl home, and they were going to—

My pulse stuttered and quickened, and I tried to calm myself, even as I glanced around the kitchen, looking for a place to hide.

He was a free man, I attempted to reason through my mind. He wasn’t attached to me in any way. If he wanted to have sex in his own apartment, that was very much his prerogative to do so. Yet, all the while that I shoved those thoughts into my brain, something more primal inside me screamed, Noooo. He’s mine. No one else can have him.


Not certain where that thought had come from, I just stood there in shock until a pair of girls appeared in the entrance of the kitchen. One I recognized immediately as Darcy, Wick’s older sister. The other I didn’t know, but I only had to take one look at her to see familiar pale blue eyes.

“Ooh,” the second girl, who appeared to be a teenager, cried, her eyes going wide. “No-bake cookies. Score!”

She raced directly toward me and was already reaching for the wax paper full of still-hot mounds of no-bakes when Darcy hollered, “Charlie!”

Frowning, the teenager pulled up short and glanced at her. “What?”

Darcy lifted her hands, looking shocked. “Those are totally not yours.”

“It’s okay,” I rushed to reassure her. “You can have one. I just made them, though, so they’re—”

Charlie was already stuffing one into her mouth and moaning in delight.

“Hot,” I finished lamely.

“Oh God. Good,” she told me, holding up a thumb in appreciation as her cheek bulged with how much she’d just stuffed into her mouth.

“Lord, why do I take you anywhere?” Darcy asked the ceiling just as the front door opened and another female voice called out.

“Yoo-hoo? Anyone home?”

“Back here,” Darcy announced while Charlie piled her hands with two more no-bake cookies.

“So, did we beat Wick home?” Izzy asked, breezing into the kitchen, only to falter and smile when she saw me. “Oh! Hey, Haven. I thought you were going home this weekend.” Before I could answer, though, she noticed what her sister was snarfing down. “No-bake cookies!”

She hurried forward and started to reach out, only to pause and eye me curiously. “Are these…?”

I laughed and swept out a hand. “Help yourself.”

“Oh wow, thank you. Oh! Mmm. These are really good.” She swiped at her chin when some chocolate-covered oats drizzled down.

I brightened as I watched the two sisters devour them as if they were starving. “Thanks. I go a tad bit heavier on the vanilla and peanut butter, lighter on the milk.”

“Genius,” Izzy said, nodding, while Charlie closed her eyes and groaned.

I glanced toward Darcy. “Do you want—”

“Hell yes,” she answered, darting forward.

As the no-bakes rapidly disappeared, I realized I better dive in too before I lost my chance to eat any myself.

Cupping our hands under our chins to catch any drips, the four of us stood by the counter like starving wolves in a circle, just eating and nodding knowingly to each other as if we all now understood the meaning of life.

It was nice.

Charlie had a long enough break between bites to ask, “So what’re you doing here if you were supposed to be gone?”

“This is Charlie, by the way,” Darcy introduced. “The youngest, most annoying Webster.”