I mean, wow. Just wow. The guy was as impressive unclothed as he was clothed.

But focus, Haven. Focus. You really need to escape now.

I started toward the door, only to realize I didn’t have enough time for that. Plus, footsteps told me he was coming this way. I dived down behind the bed, only to realize, hallelujah, it had extra-high legs and he had nothing stored under the mattress. I rolled, immediately hiding my body beneath it as he rounded the floor toward his closet.

Out of sight, I pressed my stomach flush against the carpet and uneasily glanced up at an entire bed on top of me. Wincing, I bit my lip and watched his bare feet move past, mere inches from my face.

Damn, the guy even had nice feet. It was no fair.

Whistling under his breath, he disappeared momentarily into the closet. I debated on whether to make a mad dash for it then but decided against it, which was a smart choice since he reappeared a second later and would have definitely caught me.

I listened to him dress. He sat on the bed at one point, which made the springs above me strain down and tangle with my hair. I squeezed my eyes closed, hoping everything up there held firm so they wouldn’t squish me to death. Then he grabbed his gym bag and set it on the mattress. The sound of a zipper pulling had my eyes springing open in alarm.

Oh Lord, don’t find the bra. Please don’t find the bra.

When he didn’t seem to have found the bra and reclosed the zipper a moment later, my shoulders went lax with relief. Thank God. I wasn’t busted yet.

Except my brain began to spin as I started to think of my plan…and how it would affect Wick.

I’d been so focused on hurting Topher, I hadn’t considered Wick’s position in all this. He was going to have to go through a playoff game afterward, with all his teammates thinking he’d messed around with Topher Nicholl’s ex. And Topher would probably go after him for this.

Remembering his cut lip and how he’d been suspended from a game after the last time Topher had attacked him because of me, I suddenly chickened out. Or maybe I should say, I finally came to my damn senses.

Wick was walking toward the door. He pulled it open. A second later, he’d be gone and it would be too late to stop this.


“Wait!” I cried, wincing even as I said it. “Don’t go.”

Wick’s feet immediately stopped. They turned toward the bed. Then his voice—full of confusion—said, “Haven?”

His knee appeared in front of me. Then his hands. His freaky pale blue eyes followed.

Peering under his bed at me, he blinked.

“Hi,” I said timidly.

He lifted his eyebrows. “Do I even want to ask?”

“No,” I mumbled miserably, then sighed and crawled my way out from under his bed. Once I was sitting upright on the floor and batting dust bunnies from my legs, Wick remained kneeling in front of me, just watching in amazement.

He shook his head slowly as leery unease entered his expression. “Um, how long have you been in here?”

Heat clouded my face. I’m sure my cheeks were pure scarlet. Cringing hard, I blurted, “Don’t worry. I totally didn’t see what you did in the shower.”

His eyes widened.

Moaning out a cry of despair, I covered my face with both hands and confessed, “Except I did. I absolutely did. I’m so sorry. I had no idea you’d be showering with the freaking bathroom door open. Or that the shower curtain would be pulled back a few inches. I didn’t even mean to look. I just briefly glanced over, and bam. I know it was wrong to look. I shouldn’t have invaded your privacy like that. I’ll make it up to you, I swear. Whatever you want me to, I’ll do it.”

When I lowered my hands enough to wince at him, Wick just stared at me, looking frozen.

I bit my lip. “Do you hate me?”

“I…” It took him an extreme effort to swallow. “Of course not. But what were you doing in here, hiding under my bed, to begin with?”

“You probably wouldn’t buy the excuse that I was playing hide-n-seek with myself, would you?” I asked hopefully.

“Probably not,” he agreed slowly, looking totally lost. “Might as well just stick with the truth.”