Page 71 of The Color of Grace

I was so busy staring at the soft glow coming from Todd’s window, I let Ryder drag me a few steps away before I dug my feet in. “I know he’s got another girl in there. Who is it?”

Ryder’s jaw clamped tight as he refused to answer me.

“Dang it, Ryder!” I growled and pulled out of his grip. “Let go of me.”

He finally snarled, “It’s Kiera, okay.”


My mouth fell open. I stared at Ryder and saw all the rage, pain and shock boiling in his gaze.

He’d had no idea.

I should’ve been upset, hurt, furious. But I was mostly just shocked, not that Todd had cheated, but that he’d just backstabbed his best friend in the back. I felt so bad for Ryder. He had been completely blindsided. Besides, technically Todd and I weren’t a couple. Ryder and Kiera most definitely were…at least they had been.

What a mess.

“Oh, my God,” I whispered.

“If you want to stay here, fine, but I’m leaving.” Ryder spun away and marched off.

Gulping hard, I stumbled after him.

Chapter 20

Ryder is orange. Crisp autumn, ripe citrus, red calmed down but not as bright as yellow. Energy, and warmth, the sun I needed to badly to shine, a soothing balm to ease my troubled life. So, what color am I? I still don’t know. I’m too tired, too cold to be colorful.

* * * *

I climbed into the passenger seat of Ryder’s truck as he slid behind the wheel. After starting the engine, he got us out of there. He didn’t take me to Mindy’s house, and I didn’t remind him that was supposed to be our next destination choice. I feared he’d chauffeur me home, but when he pulled into his own driveway and cut the engine, I let out a silent breath of relief.

Afraid to talk because he looked so mad, I sat silently, waiting. When he turned to me, I jolted.

Hey, I couldn’t help it. The boy looked capable of murder.

But he didn’t sound like a cold-blooded killer when he said, “You can stay here as long as you need. I’ll sleep on the couch.” Then, dismissing me, he pushed open his door, slammed it, and marched off.

I couldn’t believe it. He was still going to help me, even after he’d seen his girlfriend with his best friend. Hurrying after him, I caught up to him at his window just as he yanked it open. Stepping aside, he motioned me to go first.

Clearing my throat, I said a quiet yet heartfelt, “Thank you.”

Once we we

re warmly tucked inside, I sat cautiously on the edge of his bed and watched him pace laps around his room as he repeatedly ran his hands through his hair.

“What are you going to do?” I finally asked.

He stopped in his tracks and glanced at me. “I don’t know.” Whirling away again, he pressed the palm of his hand to his head.

I huddled there uneasily and watched his misery.

He’d been a wonderful boyfriend to Kiera. I’d seen him carry her books to class, and he never complained when she hung all over him, which she did nonstop when they were together. Now that I think of it, she’d been the one to instigate all their kisses and touching, and he simply allowed it. He let her do whatever she wanted. And the wicked witch had cheated on him for it.

Growing steamed on his behalf, I muttered, “You know, this is why teens should avoid sex. It leads to nothing but trouble.”

Ryder paused to send me a glare. “I hate to break it to you, Grace, but I did avoid sex.”

I frowned. “What? But—”