Page 68 of The Color of Grace

He’d told me he was hanging out with Ryder. Since Ryder didn’t live that far from the school, I started toward the Yates’ house. It took me about ten minutes to reach Ryder’s place. My cheeks, nose, feet and hands were icicles. My ears were so cold they burned and gave me a headache. My teeth chattered hard enough to make my jaw ache; I couldn’t get them to stop.

The good thing was I’d stopped hyperventilating. It was too cold to breathe heavily anyway.

Tears clogged my lashes, freezing them together, when I knocked on Ryder’s window. I didn’t realize the lights were off until I knocked again and a muffled illumination made the closed blinds glow as someone flipped on a light. I was so relieved to see that light come on I almost started crying again. Or maybe I did start all over again. I can’t remember.

The blinds zipped up and I stared down into Ryder’s face.

I was a little shocked to see him. For some reason, I’d been expecting Todd. I’d even forgotten I was at Ryder’s house.

From inside the lighted room, Ryder obviously couldn’t see who his visitor was. He leaned forward and squinted out at me. Finally, he shook his head and reached for the pane glass, pulling it up.

Even before he had his window all the way open, I blurted, “Can I talk to Todd?”

Ryder paused. When he finally blinked me into focus, then took in my red eyes and chattering teeth, his eyes grew big.

“Grace?” He held out both hands. “Oh, my God. Get inside. Where’s your coat?”

I clutched his hand as soon as he reached out to me. He gasped at the connection.

“Woo, your hands are freezing.” But he didn’t let go. He pulled me into the warmth of his room. I closed my eyes from the delight of all that blessed heat soaking into my bones.

When I heard Ryder closing the window behind me, I cracked my lids up a peek but didn’t see Todd anywhere. Frowning in confusion, I turned and looked at Ryder just as he whirled from the window, rubbing at his arm that had gotten chilled from the cold, wet breeze he’d let in.

“Where’s Todd?” I said numbly.

Ryder gave a slight frown. “Uh…I don’t know. Home maybe?” He hurried to his bed and ripped off his top comforter before bringing it back and throwing it around my shoulders.

I just stared at him as he drew the blanket more snugly around me, gathering two ends together under my chin.

“He already left?” Lifting my hand, I took the gathered sides and held them closed, trapping my own body heat inside the makeshift cape.

Ryder paused and blinked as if he had no idea what I was talking about. “Left where?”

I continued to shiver and pulled Ryder’s blanket tighter since it was still warm from him sleeping under it. “He told me he was hanging out here with you tonight.”

Ryder shook his head slightly, letting me know he hadn’t seen Todd all evening. “Do you want to call him?” he said, already turning away to dig up his phone.

He carried the cell back to me. I met his gaze. He stared back with acute concern, but he didn’t ask any questions. He quietly handed me the phone. I took it, staring down at the numbers I needed to dial. After blinking a couple of times, I wiped at the tears dripping down my cheeks.

Todd had lied to me; he hadn’t been with Ryder. For all I knew, he was probably busy with some other girl. But right now, I needed him. I had nowhere else to go. I looked up at Ryder.

He stood at attention as if ready to jump in and do anything I asked. I could tell he’d been sleeping. Hair tousled, he wore an old t-shirt and flannel pants. His eyes were half-closed and a red sleep line ran across his cheek. But he was awake and he looked ready to help me…in any way.

That made me want to cry even more.

“I can’t dial,” I said in a hoarse voice. “My fingers…” They just wouldn’t move. They were too stiff and burned with cold pain.

“Here,” Ryder said quietly and took the phone from my hand. He dialed Todd’s number before handing the receiver back. But the answering machine picked up immediately. More tears dripped down my cheeks.

“He’s…his phone’s not on.” Of course, he’d shut his phone off. He was busy with another girl.

“What about Mindy?” Ryder said.

I blinked up at him.

“You’re friends with Mindy, right? Do you want to call her or someone from Hillsburg?”

I stared stupidly. He seemed too eager to help…I didn’t understand. The one boy I’d figured would slam the door in my face was the first person eager to help me.