Tears sparkled in my lashes as I nodded. “Yes, you are.” Cupping her face between my hands, I smiled from watery eyes. “We don’t have time to argue this, empress. You need to go. Now. Stop worrying about me. I’ll be fine. It’ll be okay. And you’ll be safe. Forever. Just get to safety, now, and live. Live for me. Please.”

I leaned in and urgently pressed my mouth to hers. “I love you,” I swore as I pulled away. “Forever.”

She grabbed my wrist tight, keeping me down when I tried to stand. “No.” Shaking her head, she begged. “They’ll catch you. They’ll kill you. You helped us. You murdered one of theirs for us. Your own cousin. They’ll see you as a traitor and—”

“I’ll be fine,” I insisted, tugging my hand free of hers and kissing her cheek one last time. “I’m a High Clifter, and King Ignatius likes me. I’m close friends with all his children. He won’t hurt me.”


I kissed her again. This one was harder, faster, and more pressing. “I know you never claimed me as yours. I know I can’t follow you, and I’ll never get to see you again. But you know this. It was worth it anyway. This short time I got to be with you.” I shook my head insistently. “It was worth everything.”

Tears flooded her eyes. “But I never told you—”

“Stay!” I ordered because our pursuers were getting too close, and we were out of time. I could see movement through the trees.

Shooting to my feet, I swung myself into the saddle of my mare and kicked her in the sides, causing her to whinny and gallop for all she was worth in a mad scramble through the trees. A shout followed and hoofbeats pounded, telling me they’d taken the bait and were chasing me.

Thank God. At least Quilla still had a chance.

Chapter 31


Stupid fool man.

I squeezed my eyes shut, tears streaming down my face. I was utterly unable to believe what Indigo had just done. I wanted to stand up and follow him, share whatever fate he was about to meet with him. But then I looked down and opened my hand, staring in amazement at the amulet I held. My other hand wrapped around the front of my dress, and I clutched the second amulet through the cloth of my chemise.

I had two now. Right here in my possession.

A moon cycle ago, this was the main goal of my entire life. Nothing else had mattered as much as getting my hands on two of these suckers.

More shouting rose. I looked up.

Had they caught him already? I couldn’t tell.

A sob rose in my chest. I couldn’t leave him here like this. I couldn’t. But if I didn’t go now, his sacrifice would be in vain. He wouldn’t forgive me for allowing myself to be caught alongside him. Besides, I couldn’t save him if I was caught too.

I also needed to ensure Melaina’s safety.

Mind made up, I glanced around for my horse, but the mare was long gone. Probably frightened off when Indigo had given the others chase.

Stupid horse.

Why was everyone being so stupid today?

Didn’t matter. I just hoped it wasn’t catching.

I probably would’ve drawn too much attention climbing into a saddle and riding off with a horse right now anyway.

Holding my breath, I strained my ears, listening. No shouts, no hoofbeats, no clanging metal of a nearby battle. It seemed like Indigo had kept his word and gotten everyone off my trail. At least I think he had. I patted my face, wondering if my eyes were still black.

With no way to know for sure, I released a lungful and started to work my way to the stream, keeping low and quiet, dodging from tree to bush to boulder, always ducking behind and under whatever cover was available.

Hearing the running brook nearby, I gave up on stealth and plunged forward, hoping the sound of running water masked my headlong dash through the trees. The brook appeared before me, and I shuddered, not realizing I’d been crying the entire time.

I wasn’t sure if I was elated or devastated to reach my destination—maybe a little of both—but sobs seized me as I fell to my knees at the edge of the stream and looked down at my reflection. The water was running too fast, ripples distorting my view, but I think my eyes were brown again. I hoped so, anyway, because I’d be no good to Indigo if I was caught right now.
