He jumped at my voice, then sat up with a smile as I approached. “I think Bison was right,” he announced. “I am an Indiana Jones. Or…” He paused thoughtfully for a moment. “At least, like, an early ancestor of his.”

I laughed and crawled onto his lap when he opened his arms to receive me.

“How was your nap?” he asked, running his hand over the short locks covering my head. He was growing obsessed with playing with the handful of curls I was getting.

“It was nice,” I answered. “But I’m beginning to feel lazy. I should—”

“Keep resting as much as you need to,” he interrupted, setting a finger over my lips as he warningly lifted an eyebrow. “The doctor said to get all the sleep you can. The first trimester can be particularly trying.”

I shook my head as I gazed at his striking features. “Look at you,” I had to murmur in amusement as I stroked his jaw. “Sounding all earthling-like and medically savvy.”

Grinning, he snagged my hand and kissed the knuckles. “The only thing I miss about the Outer Realms right now is not being able to heal you with a kiss.”

Not only had my magically sealed womb become open for business when we’d come to Earth, but true love’s kiss stopped being a thing here too. That had been a particularly hard pill for Indigo to swallow, especially after I had gotten pregnant. He wanted to heal me with his lips as soon as the baby was born and realizing he couldn’t hadn’t sat well with him.

“You never know,” I answered on a shrug. “We may be sucked back there before it’s born.”

I set my hand over my stomach, worrying about that very prospect. When we had realized our amulets were missing after arriving on Earth, we’d been wondering when we’d be forced to return.

My surprise pregnancy had only amped up our concerns.

Would the baby be born here, before we were sucked away? And if that were the case, would it never be able to see

us in the Outer Realms, always stuck here with Taiki and Melaina? And would it be better for the child if that did happen, even though we’d probably only get to see it half a year at a time? If that.

Or would it be born in the Outer Realms and forced to take on the Graykey curse with me? Would it even make it to birth if we were sucked back to the Outer Realms before it arrived? Or would my magically sealed womb try to reject it?

So many questions and not enough possible good outcomes.

We didn’t know what would happen. But we typically tried to avoid such conversations, already prepared to deal with whatever fate decided to unfold.

Indigo slid his hand over mine, and we cradled our unborn child together for a moment, the silence growing thick between us.

“We’ll be okay,” he assured me, kissing my temple. “All three of us. I can feel it.”

I nodded and glanced around, noticing the freshly baked pie sitting on the table in the dining area. “Were you waiting on me before taste testing this batch?”

“Of course.” Hitting pause on the movie, he slid me off his lap and stood, then snagged my hand as he pulled me up to my feet and led me to the table. “I can’t go eating pie alone, now can I?”

I smiled and sat when he pulled out a chair for me. “You just like to wait until I take the first bite to make sure I don’t toss up my accounts before you try it,” I teased.

“False,” he argued, feigning offense. “I take my bite at exactly the same time you do.”

“Oh, whatever.” I rolled my eyes as he dished up a single slice and set it on a plate. Then he handed me a fork.

When he picked up his own, we each watched the other intently as we reached out and scooped up our separate bites. I paused, squinting his way. He squinted mine. Then we moved in unison and tasted the pie at the same time.

I refused to react as I chewed, but Indigo closed his eyes and he moaned. “This,” he reported with a mouthful as he pointed at the rest of the pie left on his plate with his fork. “This is it. This is the best one yet.”

A statement he said after basically every pie he baked.

The man made cooking look as flawlessly easy as he did making friends. It was quite aggravating, actually. But every freaking one of his pies usually did turn out better than the last.

When he opened his lashes to gauge my reaction, I waited until I swallowed and finally gave a slow nod. “I think you’re right.”

He whooped and flew out of his seat. “Yes! I knew it!” Tugging me from my chair, he pulled me in for a kiss. “Now thank your chef properly.”

I rolled my eyes over the corny demand but complied anyway, never able to stray far from his soft, soft ground-walker lips.