“You’ve gone under with them before?” she asked.

When I nodded, Jemma laughed. “We used to let Indy come down to visit our city all the time.” Patting my knee, she grinned at my mate. “He was the first—and only—human I ever kissed, you know.”

Quilla’s eyebrows arched before she looked at me and said, “Was he?”

Nodding in excitement, Jemma leaned closer. “If my father had ever found out about that, he would’ve filleted Indy on the spot and served him up on shore as a fish fry for the locals.”

“Hmm,” Quilla answered, turning back to the mermaid. “Interesting.”

“Jemma,” I groaned, closing my eyes briefly and hoping Quilla didn’t get too upset about this. “That was over a decade ago. I don’t think she cares to hear about—”

“No, no. She’s fine,” Quilla was quick to say, waving me silent. Then she turned back to the mermaid. “Please go on.”

So Jemma did. “I think I was the first girl he ever kissed too. He had the softest lips ever.”

“Mmm, yes, I know,” Quilla murmured sagely.

The mermaid must’ve finally realized my soulmate didn’t much like hearing about my past, so she quickly added, “That was all we ever did, though. As the princess of my people, I never would’ve fallen in love with a ground-walker.”

Her explanation didn’t seem to help matters though, because Quilla cooed, “Oh. So you’re a princess, too?” She turned wide eyes to me, not happy to learn that. “The first girl you ever kissed was a princess, huh?”

“Anyway…” I cleared my throat and turned my attention to the mermaid. “Jem, I was hoping we could speak with your father?”

But Jemma’s eyes filled with sorrow. “Oh, Indy, Daddy’s passed on now. He died nearly four years ago.”

“He did?” My lips parted. “I’m sorry. I hadn’t heard.”

She gave a dismissive shrug. “How could you have? We don’t come to the surface a lot to consort with ground-walkers. And you haven’t had a chance to visit. You were one of the very, very few we allowed to even know about us.”

“True,” I murmured. Then I nodded respectfully. “Thank you again for your trust in me.”

Nodding back, she folded her hands at her waist, just on the top of the water. “And thank you for your friendship. But maybe I can assist you with what you sought from my father, for I’m the leader of my people now.”

My eyebrows lifted. “Queen Jemma, huh? Congratulations.”

She shrugged. “It has its pros and cons. Now come, old friend. Tell me. How can I help you?”

I glanced at Quilla, then turned back to Jemma. “I wanted to ask about the jeweler in Tyler. If you know of him or—”

“Ack!” Wrinkling her nose in disgust, Jemma spat onto the bank and flailed her hand in aggravation, muttering, “Despicable creature. I’d stay away from that lying swindler if I were you. He steals our oyster families and farms their pearls, hurting and killing many when he does. There is no need to harm the oysters, not when they would have willingly given up some of their pearls to someone worthy. Like you. We curse his very name.”

“Oh,” I said, glancing uneasily toward Quilla, for I had a bad feeling this news wouldn’t sway her or her aunt from visiting the jeweler regardless.

Jemma’s eyebrows lifted at us. “Why do you ask? Are you seeking a string of pearls for your lady? Because we would gladly provide you with some.”

“I—no.” I shook my head. “Not that she wouldn’t look lovely in them, of course. And thank you for the offer.” My gaze slid questioningly to Quilla. “But…”

“We’re seeking a couple of amulets,” she announced, speaking freely to the mermaid. Then she even pulled up the one she hid under her chemise. “Two more to match this one.”

My lips parted in shock. Not only because she’d trusted Jemma with such a confidence but because she’d said two more. That meant she’d decided I could come along. She planned to claim me.

Holy shit. My true love wanted me back.

My head went light and dizzy as Jemma leaned forward and squinted at Quilla’s necklace.

“The transference amulets?” she said in surprise. “What purpose do you have with them?” Spinning to me in confused surprise, she accused, “You are not planning to leave the Outer Realms forever, are you, Indy? But what would we do without you?”

I blinked my vision back into focus and glanced toward Quilla, murmuring, “We can’t stay. My mate’s not safe here.”