I took her wet fingers and squeezed warmly, just as her scaled fin fluttered above the water behind her.

“My God,” Melaina breathed, appearing at my side as she drifted closer to the edge of the water. “It’s a mermaid. A real fucking, honest-to-God, live mermaid.”

The woman glanced toward Quilla’s aunt, then spotted Quilla at my other side, still lingering a step back.

Looking up at me, she said, “You brought friends.”

“I did,” I answered with a solemn nod. I wasn’t supposed to bring anyone else here. The merpeople warned me how dangerous it was to let others know where they lived. So Jemma had to realize it was a big deal for me to expose her to anyone else. This was an important visit.

“May I introduce my mate, Quilla?” I said, splaying out my hand in her direction. “And her aunt, Melaina.”

“Mate?” Jemma blinked at Quilla, then whirled back to me. “Not only has my Indy grown up, but he’s gotten himself a mate as well? My, my. Times have changed.” She turned back to inspect Quilla. “Let me take a look at you, my lady. You know, your true love was adamant to find you when he was just a boy. Oh…” She reached out her arm again but for Quilla this time. “And now I see why

. You’re a beautiful one, you are. Indy, my goodness. She’s just precious.”

“She is,” I agreed, amused as the mermaid floated closer to the edge of the water and waved her hand insistently, beckoning Quilla forward.

Quilla cast me an uncertain glance. I nodded, letting her know it was okay. And only then did she step cautiously toward the mermaid. As soon as she kneeled, Jemma snagged her fingers and kissed the backs of her palms repeatedly. Quilla’s brow furrowed, but she allowed the contact.

I moved to her side and explained, “She’s bestowing a blessing on you. It's a great honor for merpeople.”

“This will give you the strength to survive whatever adversity befalls you next,” the mermaid explained.

“O-oh,” Quilla answered, nodding awkwardly. “Thank you.”

“Thank you,” Jemma returned, nodding to Quilla. “You are cursed and yet you do not allow it to control you. That is an admirable trait that should be spread across the land and seas. May your purpose and perseverance follow you all the days of your life and trickle on to others.”

“Hey, I’ll take a blessing,” Melaina announced, crouching down on the other side of Quilla and reaching for the mermaid, catching a lock of her green hair in the process.

Jemma sent me a curious look, silently asking about Quilla’s aunt. I shrugged. So the mermaid turned to Melaina and took her hand next, only to hiss and immediately drop it. “Your curse is much more prevalent. You give in to it daily.”

Melaina merely shrugged. “What can I say? I don’t see the point of resisting temptation.”

The mermaid nodded. “Yes, you submit to your sexual temptations often, as well. That is actually helpful for you. Releasing your passions is the best way to manage the pain that comes from your curse.”

“Then I should be the most joy-filled person on the planet,” Melaina deadpanned, only to waggle her eyebrows suggestively. “Hey, how about you help me with some pain-management right now?”

Jemma sent her a pleasant smile. “I do not copulate with humans, sorry, but I’ve a mer-friend who would be willing to tup you. Would you like to meet him? He’s a very generous lover. I’ve had him myself many times.”

“Um, hell yes,” Melaina started. “I would love to meet him.”

The mermaid sent her a benevolent smile and inclined her head regally. A moment later, the water swirled next to her and a blue-haired man rose from the depths. Jaw chiseled and muscles bulging, he immediately focused on Melaina and sent her a comely smirk.

She growled in pleasure and nodded. “Oh, yeah. He’ll do nicely.”

“This is Torrent,” Jemma introduced. “He’d be happy to help ease your suffering for a few hours.”

“Hours?” Melaina practically vibrated with excitement. “Damn. It is my lucky day.”

“Climb aboard, my lady,” he offered, reaching out a hand to help her into the water as he lifted his tail to the surface and laid it flat in front of him so she could step onto it. “I’d be happy to show you how the mers do it.”

“Ooh. Don’t mind if I do,” she cooed as she took his hand and scrambled into the water, straddling his lap and facing him so she could wrap her arms around his neck and give him a lusty, open-mouthed kiss. He curled his arms around her and kissed her back just as eagerly before slowly lowering them both into the water together.

Pulling away to glance toward me and Quilla just before her head went under, she waved goodbye to us, calling, “Taiki’s never going to believe this one.”

“Umm…” Quilla shifted forward, worry spiking through her and echoing into my mark the moment her aunt was completely submerged with the merman. “She doesn’t know how to swim.”

“She’ll be okay,” I assured. “If the merfolk invite you under the water with them, they’ll make sure you don’t drown.”